Students of comparative criminology have been reminded over and over again of the low level of criminology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Crime in Saudi Arabia has increased over recent years, but remains at levels far below most major metropolitan areas in the United States. But there were few to begin with: In a country of some 7.5 million, the Saudis recorded only 87 premeditated murders and 21 manslaughter cases, plus 160 attempts and 65 threats. That, and unspecified ''moral'' crimes, were the only offenses that went up, however slightly. November 11, 2010 ujudge Leave a comment Go to comments Home > The inevitable failure of Democracy, The Only Alternative > Why is Saudi Arabia’s Crime Rate so low ? Every Friday, as the megaphones echo the chanting whine that marks the midday call to prayer, a small crowd begins to gather around the square between the main mosque and the sprawling square in the Saudi capital. Saudi Arabia crime rate & statistics for 2015 was 1.49, a 41.43% increase from 2007. But in Saudi Arabia, a country dotted with police and army checkpoints, public use of capital and corporal punishment remains common. They are waiting for the centuries-old tradition of weekly public punishment of criminals. In order to have such a low terrorist recidivism rate, the Saudi Arabian's well-designed strategies to counter the effects new terrorist recruits endure during indoctrination to a terrorist organization. Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering, "Saudi Arabia 2013 Crime and Safety Report", "Downward spiral of unemployment and juvenile delinquency", First independent human rights organization in Saudi Arabia,, "Lessons from al-Qaeda's Attack on the Khobar Compound", "Al-Qaida's Next Action Hero, An insider account of the Khobar assault", "Negotiating hostage crises with the new terrorists", Council of Economic and Development Affairs,, Articles with disputed statements from November 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 January 2021, at 16:38. Lankford, Adam & Gillespie, Katherine. The article "Islamic Law Across Cultural Borders: The Involvement of Western Nationals in Saudi Murder Trials" by Esmaeili & Gans (2000),[27] discussed several important points regarding the three major types of punishments established under Sharia law. If you do carry any valuables, keep them secure and safe. The nation has strict laws prohibiting drug trafficking; drug trafficking is a capital crime. Here are the top 15 facts about poverty in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has the best terrorist rehabilitation program in the world. Despite strict laws, however, illicit trafficking takes place in considerable amounts through underground channels especially marijuana, cocaine and homegrown psychedelic drugs. The murder rate of 0.3 per 100,000 people is among the lowest in the world, and roughly half Ireland’s rate. The crime rate of the United Kingdom in 2019/20 was 96.4 per thousand people, compared with 110 in 2002/03. Both IS and Saudi Arabia have made headlines so far this year for handing out spectacular, and very public, punishments. You can renew your subscription or Take Saudi Arabia for example. In 1996, Hezbollah Al-Hejaz attacked a building in the oil-industry town of Khobar, killing 19 people. Yemen has the lowest rate of working women of all, followed by Syria, Jordan, Iran, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Lebanon, Egypt, Oman, Tunisia, Mauritania, and Turkey. India’s crime rate (87) itself compares with that of Lebanon (59), Yemen (67) and Kazakhstan (96). Saudi Arabia crime rate & statistics for 2007 was 1.05, a 1.09% increase from 2006. However, Saudi Arabia is still relatively poor; with 20 percent of people living in poverty, the problem of income inequality in Saudi Arabia is quite evident. 5 times more than Saudi Arabia Violent crime > Murder rate: 265 Ranked 59th. The Saudis, who live by one of the strictest moral codes in the world, take their crime problem seriously, remarkably small though it be. ''It's only in extreme cases with repeat offenders that you're likely to see those kinds of sentences anymore. Norway is an extremely cold country that has long winters, so this is one of the reasons for this country’s lower crime rate. Saudi Arabia is well known for its high levels of gender inequality – and this week, Janice Turner pointed out that it is the only nation, in ‘flagrant disregard of the Olympic Charter, that will not be sending any women to the games. Saudi Arabia United States; Improve Data : Improve Data : Level of crime: Low 20.47: Moderate 53.38: Crime increasing in the past 3 years: Moderate 43.05: High 64.69: Worries home broken and things stolen: Low 23.30: Moderate 45.64: Worries being mugged or robbed: Robbery rate Knoema, an Eldridge business, is the most comprehensive source of global decision-making data in the world. These punishments "are fixed by the Quran and Sunnah and cannot be altered by any judicial authority" (Esmaeili & Gans, 2000, p. 153). Singapore. continue to use the site without a In Qatar and Singapore, the death toll from coronavirus is less than 0.1 percent of reported infections. The Saudi legal system is based on Sharia or Islamic law and thus often prohibits many activities that are not crimes in other nations, such as alcohol or pork consumption, public displays of non-Islamic religious symbols or text, affection between opposite sex outside of marriage, "indecent" artwork or media images, sorcery, homosexuality, cross-dressing, and fornication or adultery. We walked the streets in rich areas and poor and not for a moment did I ever feel threatened. Just imagine if there is no strict laws then what would have happen to the people. The fundamentalists oppose introduction of ''corrupting'' influences such as television, women's education, and soccer. China certainly feels safe. [13] Saudi Arabia has seen many terrorist attacks on its soil. Crime rate comparison Saudi Arabia vs United States. If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high. These two factors are also responsible for white-collar crime, according to the Commerce Ministry. Saudi Gazette report. Justice is administered by religious courts. There is minimal risk of crime in Jeddah. But the crowds more often than not disperse after a few minutes, for there are few public punishments these days. Why Japan's Crime Rate Is So Low After the worst knifing incident since World War Two, Japan still maintains one of the world's lowest crime rates. The Interior Ministry claims various types of murders and attempts were down, in the Islamic year 1401, by 20 to 35 percent. By City in Saudi Arabia. Graffiti was completely absent. Saudi Health Minister Tawfiq Al-Rabiah said in a statement that the death rate of COVID-19 in the kingdom is 10 times lower than the global rate of around 7 percent. Japan? ''Without it, there would probably be so little common crime as to be negligible. The crime rates in each country. Of course crime rate is going to be lower when you don't have much people there to commit it. Saudi Arabia crime rate & statistics for 2006 was 1.04, a 16.53% decline from 2005. The U.S. Consulate General in Jeddah does not assume responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms appearing in this report. Theft, the biggest single offense in the kingdom, was down 28 percent. Low crime rates, but fear of crime is growing. Saudi Gazette report. Those interviewed who knew Iwasaki did not seem surprised by the attack. [6]), While as late as the 1980s the kingdom boasted of being "practically crime-free," the crime rate among jobless youth grew by 320% from 1990 to 1996. Hard as it may be to understand, it is just not part of their culture.''. Science Monitor has expired. Please try again later. His classmates from junior high school described him as a troubled child often losing his temper, behaving violently, and being bullied at school. [17], In May 2004, militants took dozens of hostages attacking three buildings in Khobar over a 25-hour period killing 22 people and injuring 25 — mainly foreign workers — killing one victim by tying him to the back of a vehicle and dragging him through the street. Why are there low crime rates in Saudi Arabia? unless you renew or Saudis have low crime rate, but they take it seriously. International Criminal Justice Review. And the Saudi founding father, Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, publicly forgave some of the tribal factions that fought against him. The rehabilitation programs help violent offenders positively reintegrate in the free society by supporting the creation of positive peer and familial relationships. They're rarely imposed any more, even the whippings for morality offenses, which are still a very touchy matter here,'' commented a European political attache. Saudi Arabia has the lowest reported poverty rate in the Middle East and the 10th lowest poverty rate in the world at 12.7 percent, as of 2017. In 2013, the number of crime cases reported by the Ministry of Justice was 22,113, a 102% increase over 2012. [10] The country has implemented all the forty recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) for combating money laundering and all eight recommendations of the FATF regarding terror financing. During this time period the crime rate … UAE also aims to have the lowest road death rates in the world, says Minister of Interior. These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 3 years. [18][19][20][21][22], While attacks by militants have decreased dramatically since late 2004, there are continued reports of terrorist planning. China certainly feels safe. To combat the problem the Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO) has started surprise inspections, using disguised ministry employees, who buy five different types of jewelry in randomly-selected shops. Home > The inevitable failure of Democracy, The Only Alternative > Why is Saudi Arabia’s Crime Rate so low ? Adulterers are stoned to death. [25] In 2002, a total of 599 crimes were reported in Saudi Arabia, or .06 crimes for every 100,000 people. By Robin Wright Special to The Christian Science Monitor. Counter-Indoctrination: Lessons Learned From The Saudi Arabian Program. In contrast San Pedro Sula, in Honduras, scored 84.25 for crime and 15.75 for safety. Japan has exceptionally low levels of crime.In 2011, its intentional homicide rate was 0.3 per 100,000 people, while America's rate was 4.7 per 100,000 people. For more information, review OSAC’s Report Shaken: The Don’ts of Alcohol Abroad. Your session to The Christian @algiordino - You can't be serious. Strict police enforcement and severe sentences tend to reduce crime rates. RIYADH — Saudi Arabia’s Health Minister Dr.Tawfiq Al-Rabiah said on Wednesday that the global death rate from COVID-19 is ten times higher than that of Saudi Arabia. Switzerland has a population of a mere 7 million people compared to Saudi's 28 million. Saudi Arabia is a signatory to all three international conventions on drug control. We want to bridge divides to reach everyone. Saudis arrested and detained several, claiming they were 'alcohol traders' fighting a turf war over the illegal distribution of alcohol. You come here to work on a visa, you get a salary that is your livelihood, most likely supports your family. The crime rate in Germany has fallen for the second year in a row, according to the 2018 crime report that was published on Tuesday.. you are agreeing to our, One month free trial to the Monitor Daily, Wanted: Executioners. Murder rates in China are roughly one-fifth as high as in the United States. By knowing these steps, the rehabilitation programs reverse the effects of the terrorist authorization, isolation, dehumanization, and training to become successful in criminal rehabilitation. [7] The country has imple… Why is Singapore's crime rate so low? Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. [8] Credited with rising crime are a "population boom, rapid social change, and massive unemployment" leading to "a breakdown in traditional forms of social control and constraint. We walked the streets in rich areas and poor and not for a moment did I ever feel threatened. The jobless rate for Saudi citizens has increased to 12.9 percent, its highest level in more than a decade, from 11.6 percent at the time he announced the economic overhaul in 2016. Due to implementation of Islamic Sharia laws in Saudi Arabia the crime rate is very low and people are living in peace and harmony. Because Saudi Arabia has one of the lowest crime rates. Al-Rabiah attributed the low death rate to the unified treatment protocol and random screening to discover and treat cases at early stages. It would be naive to argue that Somalia is safer than Sweden. This statistic shows the number of criminal cases that were made in Saudi Arabia in 2019, broken down by crime. [14] From 2000 to 2004, when a number of expatriate workers were killed in car bombings, questions arose over the seriousness and sincerity of Saudi efforts to prevent or investigate attacks. (p.1) This "reminder" has come in the form of severa DFAT further stated "Terrorist attacks could occur at any time, anywhere in Saudi Arabia, including in Riyadh, Khobar, and other major cities". As the rest of the world sorts out year-end statistics and percentage increases, the Saudis will probably be among the few - if not the only - to boast of dramatic decreases in crime. Save as Image. If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high. @algiordino - You can't be serious. "Crime in Saudi Arabia is relatively low when compared to some developed nations, but may be increasing due to higher levels of foreign workers and higher levels of unemployment among Saudi residents.". Our data for each country are based on all entries from all cities in that country. Petty theft is a problem especially in crowded areas. Our tools allow individuals and organizations to discover, visualize, model, and present their data and the world’s data to facilitate better decisions and better outcomes. The Saudi family is the richest in the world, worth an estimated total of $1.4 trillion, predominately due to its assets in petroleum. Their terrorist recidivism rate is about 3 to 4%. Is Saudi Arabia any less brutal than ISIS. There are reasons why the rate of gun crime may be low in China, even if the data itself is unreliable. So, if a person commits any sin which violates Islamic law, the judge can punish him or her. [12], The most common crime in 2002 was theft, which accounted for 47% of total reported crime. The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report’s publication assesses Saudi Arabia at Level 2, indicating travelers should exercise increased caution due to terrorism.. 49 times more than Saudi Arabia Violent crime > Murder rate … Thus the penalty for murder is death and for assault is a beating. Indeed, the most active threats to the government have come not from reformists but from religious fundamentalists, as seen during the attack on the Grand Mosque in 1979. UAE to have the lowest crime rate in the world by 2021. [2] The United States Department of State reported "There is an on-going security threat due to the continued presence of terrorist groups, some affiliated with al Qaida, who may target Western interests, housing compounds, and other facilities where Westerners congregate". Overall Crime and Safety Situation. To curb money laundering, improved anti-money laundering laws have been enacted. Saudi Arabia practices Shariah Law. Singapore is the safest country to visit in all of Asia. Much like the Chinese, the Saudis have such a polite reverence for personal property that any item left behind, even thrown way, in one Saudi city often will catch up with a visitor in the next. Published on Aug 1, 2015. In this category the King's approval is not required as in the previous categories. High crime rates are seen in countries or areas with high poverty levels and low job availability. [23] Terrorist attacks in the country targeted both native people and foreigners. If you have questions about your account, please Saudi Arabia citizens: Less income, more tax. 12,996 Ranked 9th. (2011). The third punishment is called Tazirat (discretionary punishments) and it depends on the severity of the crime (Esmaeili & Gans, 2000). Official statistics would certainly suggest that crime in China is extremely low. The plan’s targets of 9 percent unemployment by 2020 and 7 percent by 2030 appear far off. Saudi Arabia also took early measures to prevent the spread of the virus. The second punishment called Qisas (retaliation) is reserved for crimes of violence such as murder and assault. [10] Saudi Arabia is a signatory to all three international conventions on drug control. Which means there are fewer criminals to deal with. However, the murder rate overall remains low… This statistic shows the number of criminal cases that were made in Saudi Arabia in 2019, broken down by crime. He grew up with, and was still living with, his relativesin Kawasaki city where the attack took place. Dishonest middlemen have moved in quickly to take advantage of the overnight wealth of many are uneducated or unfamiliar with the standards of goods their money should buy. Top 15 Facts about Poverty in Saudi Arabia. This message will appear once per week These three are "Hudud" (limit or boundary), "Qisas" "retaliation", and "Tazirat" "discretionary punishments" (Esmaeili & Gans, 2000, p. 153). Thieves get their hand or foot chopped off on the third offense. The jewelry business is one of the prime tagets for fraud. Without a gun, it is difficult to commit a violent crime, and this has led to a very low crime rate for this country.