Trump Says Schools Indoctrinate Kids with ‘Leftist Agenda’. Your children are being indoctrinated. A high school senior of mixed race is suing a taxpayer-funded charter school in Nevada over the “coercive, ideological indoctrination” that is central to its Critical Race Theory-based curriculum that forces students to associate aspects of their identity with oppression. ClipsEducationPoliticsFox News ChannelTucker CarlsonTucker Carlson Tonight. Your children are being indoctrinated. A high school senior of mixed race is suing a taxpayer-funded charter school in Nevada over the “coercive, ideological indoctrination” that is central to its Critical Race Theory-based curriculum that forces students to associate aspects of their identity with oppression. Authored by Matthew Vadum via The Epoch Times, A high school senior of mixed race is suing a taxpayer-funded charter school in Nevada over the “coercive, ideological indoctrination” that is central to its Critical Race Theory-based curriculum that forces students to associate aspects of their identity with oppression. The new curriculum “inserted consciousness raising and conditioning exercises under the banner of ‘Intersectionality’ and ‘Critical Race Theory.’ These sessions … are not descriptive or informational in nature, but normative and prescriptive: they require pupils to ‘unlearn’ and ‘fight back’ against ‘oppressive’ structures allegedly implicit in their family arrangements, religious beliefs and practices, racial, sexual, and gender identities, all of which they are required to divulge and subject to non-private interrogation.”, William was directed “in class to ‘unlearn’ the basic Judeo-Christian principles [his mother] imparted to him, and then [the school] retaliated against [him].”, “Some racial, sexual, gender and religious identities, once revealed,” the complaint states, “are officially singled out in the programming as inherently problematic, and assigned pejorative moral attributes by Defendants.”, The school principal told Mrs. Clark “that the theoretical basis of the revamped ‘Sociology of Change’ course is known as ‘intersectionality,’ and is inspired by political activist, academic and ‘Critical Race Theory’ proponent Kimberlé Crenshaw,” the complaint states. Grade schools throughout the country are rewriting their history curriculums based on today's leftist politics. This is insanity. OK. This is rewriting history, including recent history that all of us are very familiar with. And of course, the curricula at so many schools has taken a much harder edge since that time, from the extreme left-wing to the outright totalitarian. The Buffalo School District’s first days of school lesson plan explicitly gets political, in very specific terms, “Do black lives matter in America,” it begins. And so I don’t think it’s about as you were saying, being hysterical. In schools, they are teaching this, race hate. High School Student Sues Over Leftist ‘Indoctrination’ in Nevada Epoch Times ^ | December 27, 2020 | MATTHEW VADUM Posted on 12/28/2020 2:57:18 AM PST by gattaca. Now, we’ve spent the last several years telling you about what’s happening at the level of higher education in colleges and universities. March for Our Minds - Stop Indoctrinating Kids. Look at the image on the screen. Use your privilege to work for racial and social justice,” end quote. But it’s about processing and having a space to make sense of what happened and to have a discussion. Article originally appeared in The Epoch Times.. This is religion. The near sole purpose of present-day academia is indoctrination. Students were allegedly told that by refusing to identify with an oppressive group, they were exercising their privilege or underscoring their role as an oppressor. So school matters, maybe more than anything, and from the very first day of this show, we have covered the way our schools are changing and the indoctrination that your kids are suffering through. Skip to comments. But of course, Deep Equity is part of that county’s teacher training. They’re being taught more broadly that the police are the problem. In the lawsuit, Clark v. State Public Charter School Authority, filed Dec. 22 in federal court in Nevada, the young plaintiff William Clark and his mother Gabrielle Clark claim their First and Fourteenth Amendment rights were being violated. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I taught my class shortly after Hillary Clinton gave her concession speech, and for many students, particularly for young women, it was something to — a glass ceiling to break, to aspire to have a woman as President of the United States. A high school senior of mixed race is suing a taxpayer-funded charter school in Nevada over the “coercive, ideological indoctrination” that is central to its Critical Race Theory-based curriculum that forces students to associate aspects of their identity with oppression. By Sara Dogan and Peter Collier. We have no right to give thanks for a country that isn’t ours. This is a fairly bold thesis, but the evidence is in its favor. The Epoch Times. How young was the kid who was forced to draw a police officer shooting and killing someone? Pamphlet: Leftist Indoctrination In Our K-12 Public Schools. Have fun doing so, but there is one major rule: do not discuss political issues that aren't directly and uniquely related to the subject of the thread and about gaming. The lawsuit was filed by the Illinois-based group Schoolhouse Rights, whose website describes its mission as supporting “civil rights litigation in defense of students’ freedom of conscience in public education and the rights of parents to guide and direct the upbringing of their children.”. Teachers are given white allies agenda items, quote, “See race. And then by the end, it declares, at the end of the lesson, quote, “Students will be able to understand the need for the Black Lives Matter movement.”. I mean, there’s no — is there really a debate, do you know a single DePaul University professor who voted for Trump and said so out loud. Putting kids in jail has become standard operating procedure in the United States. Tonight, we want to take you through what’s happening in high schools and elementary schools all across the country. But after we featured Deep Equity on this show, parents in Chandler stood up and objected to it, thank God, and Deep Equity was ended there. Everyone gets to choose if they are a boy or a girl or both, or neither or something else, and no one gets to choose for them.”. The school repeatedly threatened William “with material harm including a failing grade and non-graduation if he failed to comply with their requirements,” the complaint states, and refused to accommodate his requests for reasonable accommodation. Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson pointed out some of the lessons taught to children in some public schools in America, rooted in leftist ideology often to promote Black Lives Matter and other left-of-center causes. While this site is dedicated to free speech, the following will not be tolerated: devolving a thread into unrelated … But of course, that’s done included. The program according to the school district there cost $418,156.00 to implement, almost half a million. Schools may be closed thanks to Boris Johnson’s latest interminable lockdown – but at least no children are going to miss out on their usual leftist indoctrination. How can you teach something that is fake, so they’re not. Listen to and learn from people of color. Again, Black Lives Matter is a political party, and yet schools are endorsing it and its specific aims. Colleges are now leftist indoctrination centers. June 20, 2018 in News by RBN Staff . One of the guiding principles the Black Lives Matter at schools curriculum, of course, is to be quote, “transgender affirming.” So they have no choice, out with Biology, in with BLM. One of the prerequisites of good character — as well as of happiness — is gratitude, and leftism is rooted in ingratitude. December 28, 2020 foundingadmin Uncategorized. Leftist Indoctrination in our K-12 Public Schools. Do you know one? Methods of controlling the mass mind. It was posted on an online photo album about D.C. Public Schools’ Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action. There is another required class, “Change the World,” in which students carry out a political or social work project. On the society? We really need to stop calling these people liberals. The left uses a combination of propaganda and suppression to push kids into the ensnaring grip of socialism and anti-patriotism. Video: School Teaches that Whites Can't Feel Empathy. While Trump has referred to Critical Race Theory by name, the executive order does not, instead describing it as a “malign ideology [that] is now migrating from the fringes of American society and threatens to infect core institutions of our country,” including in “workplace diversity trainings across the country, even in components of the Federal Government and among Federal contractors.”, It is an ideology “rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some people, simply on account of their race or sex, are oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are more important than our common status as human beings and Americans.”. And yet, in academia, there’s virtually no one who disagrees from the liberal orthodoxy. According to Deep Equity, the point is to adopt a, quote, ” … transformationalist white identity,” where, quote, ” … white folks are attempting to come to terms with race in a real way and question the systemic issues that have caused whites to be in a much superior position.”. Leftist indoctrination in school: Megyn Kelly pulls her kids from school. Battle Against Leftist Indoctrination in Public Schools Continues in Maine. Again, we’re going to look back at this and see it for what it was, race hate. They’re lying about it already. Epoch Times: A high school senior of mixed race is suing a taxpayer-funded charter school in Nevada over the “coercive, ideological indoctrination” that is central to its Critical Race Theory-based curriculum that forces students to associate aspects of their identity with oppression. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know what, I do not talk about my personal political leanings with my colleagues, and —. By the time they head to high school, students in Buffalo are ready to go out into the world to destroy buildings and statues. The lawsuit comes after President Donald Trump issued Executive Order 13950 on Sept. 22 prohibiting the military, federal agencies, and federal contractors from promoting the “divisive concepts” that are part of Critical Race Theory in workplace trainings. Masking: A Careful Review of the Evidence, James Madison: Four Steps to Stop Federal Programs, Free Speech, No Compromise, No Excuses, No Exceptions, Clark v. State Public Charter School Authority. What is a safe space exactly? Cities that are doing this include Seattle, Portland, Oregon, Los Angeles, the second-largest city in the country, Chicago, the third-largest; Milwaukee, Boston, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Baltimore — we could go on. The comparison suggests that police respond only to BLM riots. But again, that’s just the beginning. They’re teaching children Biology isn’t real. The theory is the basis for an intellectual movement whose adherents retired federal Judge Richard Posner, dubbed “the most-cited legal scholar of the 20th century,” has described as the “lunatic core” of “radical legal egalitarianism.” The late Derrick Bell, who was one of former President Barack Obama’s professors at Harvard Law School, was the most prominent scholar to promote the theory. September 17, 2020 at 5:56 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 270 Comments. Buffalo Public Schools go on to suggest that George Washington, the man who founded this country was a fraud, that Colin Kaepernick is a moral hero, and that we should then celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day instead of Thanksgiving. It’s their way of keeping right of center professors out of the colleges and universities. At the end of the program, students are asked this, quote, “What do you think about our society being organized into separate nuclear family units?” The implication, of course, is that it’s immoral, your own family is immoral. Have parents done much? “President Trump pressed his case that U.S. schools are indoctrinating children with a left-wing agenda hostile to the nation’s Founding Fathers, describing efforts to educate students about racism and slavery as an insult to the nation’s lofty founding principles,” the … The Black Panther Party, racial separatists with a history of murdering people. We must fight this type of systematic indoctrination in our schools. Trump alleges ‘left-wing indoctrination’ in schools, plans commission to push more ‘pro-American’ history Sep. 17, 2020 at 3:56 pm Updated Sep. 17, 2020 at 5:48 pm By They may not know what’s happening. This is from a third-grade class in the Fairfield Susan Unified School District in California. People who disagree with each other talking through their disagreement, that doesn’t happen anymore. They’re asked this explicitly, quote, “Why would someone engaging in rioting be protected under the First Amendment?”. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, in my opinion, the role of higher education is to foster debate, but also to be cognizant of students that are coming to our campuses from many different backgrounds. They are celebrating something called Black Lives Matter Week of Action.