Yet there is not a single verse in the Bible which states unequivocally, “Jesus is God,” or the like. “How do you read it?” He answered: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. Is there any evidence for Jesus outside the Bible? Jesus would have been skilled in buying raw wood. Bible Stories About Jesus THE NEW TESTAMENT contains the story of Jesus, and the early Church. Yes, and the ancient non-Christian interpretations (and critical commentaries) of the Gospel accounts serve to strengthen the core claims of the New Testament. He appeared to His disciples resurrected from the grave and showed them His wounds. Miriam was betrothed to Yohanan, of the royal house of David, a man learned in the Torah and God-fearing. He sat in it and it floated like a boat. Maybe we could learn to seek first the Kingdom of God and trust that everything else will be added to us. b. Berakhot 17b), “Our rabbis have taught that Jesus had five disciples: Matthai, Nakai, Nezer, Buni and Todah. In a manner similar to Thallus, Julius Africanus also mentions a historian named Phlegon who wrote a chronicle of history around 140AD. The Bible is silent about Jesus' life from age 12 until 30. There are many versions of these ‘retellings’, and as part of the transmitted oral and written tradition of the Jews, we can presume their original place in antiquity, dating back to the time of Jesus’ first appearance as an influential leader who was drawing Jews away from their faith in the Law. Myth or Historically Verifiable | ApoloJedi, Who Is Jesus, According to Other Religions? It was thus that they both came to know the crime of Joseph Pandera and the terrible mistake on the part of Miriam… Miriam gave birth to a son and named him Yehoshua, after her brother. This passage, along with several others from the Toledot tradition, confirm: Jesus claimed to be the Messiah, healed the lame, said Isaiah foretold of His life, was worshipped as God, arrested by the Jews, beaten with rods, given vinegar to drink, wore a crown of thorns, rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, was betrayed by a man named Judah Iskarioto, and had followers who claimed He was resurrected and ascended, leaving an empty tomb. He was a senator under Emperor Vespasian and was also proconsul of Asia. The top ten favourite Bible stories. It means “May His Name Be Blotted Out”). There are a number of ancient classical accounts of Jesus from pagan, non-Christian sources. Luke 18 section 18-25 says: A certain ruler asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. | Cold Case Christianity, Pingback: Who Is Jesus, According to Other Religions? Ancient Historians on Jesus Christ: World’s Most Elaborate Conspiracy Theory, or… Not? However, the Bible reveals great nuggets from people who lived attainable, generous lives on a daily basis. The Evidentially Diverse Resurrection Appearances of Jesus (Free Bible Insert), Rapid Response: It's Impossible to Verify What the Gospels Say About Jesus, What Does Christianity Say About the Nature of Jesus? The tapes were watched over and over again. Most likely there was an offering taken to help the poor. We have all heard about the miracles Jesus did. Jesus also spoke of true happiness in the Beatitudes, which says, "Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven." Up to the generation of Moses, the Law in Old Testament was given to Israelites. John the Baptist’s birth was nothing short of a miracle. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. Two well documented historical events with a rich set of evidences. His writing is extensive and he alludes to 80 different Biblical quotes, confirming their early appearance in history. But Julius Africanus, writing around 221AD does quote Thallus who previously tried to explain away the darkness occurring at Jesus’ crucifixion: “On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down. You’ve probably heard of Adam and Eve, Noah and the ark, and of course Jesus. The emphasis of all four Gospels is on Jesus as the Messiah. – The Way of The Warrior, Evidence for Jesus Outside the Bible – James Attebury, Heeft Jezus bestaan? Share: Sharing stories of people doing both good and great things inspires others. Phlegon (80-140AD) One day Yeshu walked in front of the Sages with his head uncovered, showing shameful disrespect. That is what the institutional church has taught. Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. Bible Truth: When I put others first, God lifts me up. He was a teacher who taught that through repentance and belief, all followers would become brothers and sisters. Should anyone enter and learn the Name, when he left the lions would roar at him and immediately the valuable secret would be forgotten. The reliable Gospel eyewitness accounts aren’t the only ancient description of Jesus. These disciples then told others Jesus was resurrected and ascended into heaven. Washington D.C .— President Donald Trump has always had a shaky grasp of Christian theology throughout his political carer, but his latest Bible gaffe has gone viral.. During a prayer breakfast event Mr. Trump was asked what his favorite story from the Bible was, and told the gathered congregation that he loved the story about Jesus building the ark. Jeremiah 31 section 31-33 says: “The time is coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. He had failed to pronounce the prohibition over the carob-stalk, for it was a plant more than a tree, and on it he was hanged until the hour for afternoon prayer, for it is written in Scripture, “His body shall not remain all night upon the tree.” They buried him outside the city. This history includes three passages about Christians, one in which he describes the death of John the Baptist, one in which he mentions the execution of James (and describes him as the brother of Jesus the Christ), and a final passage which describes Jesus as a wise man and the messiah. '” “All these I have kept since I was a boy,” he said. From this account, we know Jesus had an immediate impact on His followers: They were committed to their belief Jesus was God and withstood the torment and punishment of the Roman Empire. In the perfect realm of paradise, the first humans Adam and Eve felt no fear at all. God rightly avenged these men…The wise king…Lived on in the teachings he enacted.”. – Cyber Penance, Pingback: On Searching the Treasures of the Antikythera Mechanism and the Biblical Anthology | pnissila, Pingback: Evidence for God and Christianity « Beth's Apologetics Blog, Pingback: How Should We Respond to Atheism? Read the story of Bartimaeus, the blind man healed by Jesus and understand the meaning behind this Bible story. He entered the Temple with his three hundred and ten followers. Money is tight. The Birth of Jesus (Luke 2.1–7 and Matthew 2.1–12)Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6.9–9.17)The Good Samaritan (Luke 10.25–37)The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus (Mark 15.20–41; Matthew 28.1–21)The Exodus (Exodus 14.1–31)David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17.1–58) Objections of Atheism . Matthew 8:8. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? There was a great distress. But there are some things we can conclude from this account: Jesus lived, He was crucified, and there was an earthquake and darkness at the point of His crucifixion. In Old Testament, the Jewish people and their ancestors were given the Law to observe. When he was old enough the lad was taken by Miriam to the house of study to be instructed in the Jewish tradition. This name later deteriorated to Yeshu (“Yeshu” is the Jewish “name” for Jesus. So the Next Generation Will Know Curriculum. Every money challenge you face, Jesus faced. One of them, Judah Iskarioto apprised the Sages that Yeshu was to be found in the Temple, that the disciples had taken a vow by the Ten Commandments not to reveal his identity but that he would point him out by bowing to him. Let’s take a look at a portion of the text (Jesus is called ‘Yehoshua’): “In the year 3671 (in Jewish reckonging, it being ca 90 B.C.) Was it a lone shooter or an elaborate conspiracy? He won over both many Jews and many Greeks. Read more about the Bible story of Jesus' baptism and understand it's importance. He said, ‘Must Matthai be killed? Although Josephus was not a follower of Jesus, “he was around when the early church was getting started, so he knew people who had seen and heard Jesus,” Mykytiuk says. 1. She trembled with astonishment. Yeshu consented on condition the members of the Sanhedrin receive him as a lord. “Do this and you will live.” I'm working hard, and it seems like I never have enough.". He had to pay taxes - more than you do. '” “All these I have kept since I was a boy,” he said. Want to hear about another one of his great miracles? We’ll do our best to discount the anti-Christian bias we see in the sources, just as we discounted the pro-Christian bias we think might exist in some versions of the writing of Josephus. These Stories of Jesus are taken from the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, which were written down as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Below are seven stories about "forgiving", reminding us to remember God's mercy, love and his calling us to forgive others. (Psalm 91:10)… ‘No evil will befall you’ (means) that evil dreams and evil thoughts will not tempt you; ‘nor shall any plague come near your house’ (means) that you will not have a son or a disciple who burns his food like Jesus of Nazareth.” (b. Sanhedrin 103a; cf. A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus: The Roots of the Problem and the Person. Mara Bar-Serapion refers to Jesus as the “Wise King”: “What benefit did the Athenians obtain by putting Socrates to death? In his “Annals’ of 116AD, he describes Emperor Nero’s response to the great fire in Rome and Nero’s claim that the Christians were to blame: “Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Matthew 5 section 43-48 says: “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. The Toledot Yeshu (1000AD) Is There Any Evidence for Jesus Outside the Bible? Why must we also be prepared to make the case for Christianity? We hear the Bible’s accounts of Jesus birth from Matthew and Luke a lot this time of year. It is estimated that the average Jew paid more than 50% of his income in taxes of one form or another (think about that next time you complain about your taxes). Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular.”. There are also non-Christian descriptions of Jesus from the late 1st to 5th Century. If you failed to pay your taxes, you went to jail. As sins became increased, the laws were also added more. Do not even pagans do that? His mother had been turned out of doors by her husband, who was a carpenter by trade, on being convicted of adultery [with a soldier named Panthéra (i.32)]. I can imagine the conversation went something like this: Jesus: "Have you got that hammer done yet?". He accurately predicted the future. Maybe he built wagons, plow handles and threshing forks. There was strife and wrangling between the elders and the unrestrained followers of Yeshu, as a result of which the followers escaped with Yeshu to the region of Antioch; there Yeshu remained until the eve of the Passover. For more on this, please refer to Forensic Faith: Image from Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith. He returned home highly elated at possessing these powers, and on the strength of them gave himself out to be a god.”. The Jewish leadership was somehow responsible for Jesus’ death. Ontdek het bewijs » Digitale Zendeling, Jezus heeft op aarde geleefd: de argumenten » Digitale Zendeling, Jezus leefde op aarde » Digitale Zendeling, Investigating Easter: Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross? Is there any historical evidence of Jesus Christ?” | Apologiaway. That year the Passover came on a Sabbath day. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother. Moreover, the story tells that while the rabbis were discussing the Tractate Nezikin, he gave his own impudent interpretation of the law and in an ensuing debate he held that Moses could not be the greatest of the prophets if he had to receive counsel from Jethro. Examples of Fear in The Bible. Even that we know stealing and giving false testimony are sinful, but greedy and pride spirits in us drive us to do sinful things. Jesus, being a devout Jewish male, would have gone to the synagogue every Sabbath. Lucian was a Greek satirist who spoke sarcastically of Christ and Christians, but in the process, he did affirm they were real people and never referred to them as fictional characters: “The Christians, you know, worship a man to this day—the distinguished personage who introduced their novel rites, and was crucified on that account….You see, these misguided creatures start with the general conviction that they are immortal for all time, which explains the contempt of death and voluntary self-devotion which are so common among them; and then it was impressed on them by their original lawgiver that they are all brothers, from the moment that they are converted, and deny the gods of Greece, and worship the crucified sage, and live after his laws. Nobody will say that he will get reward because he does not steal before. The Bible says that it was night time. Make God your focus, not your problems. Therefore she sent Annanui and Ahaziah to fetch him. Some sections even paint Jesus as a god but not a human. The following are three stories beyond our grasp and what they tell us about God. Theology / Doctrine I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore, the Sages took measures so that no one should gain this knowledge. The Queen was greatly moved and said: “This is a true sign.” She reprimanded the Sages and sent them humiliated from her presence. I can imagine his mother at supper complaining about the high price of figs these days. Pilate, when he heard him accused by the leading men among us, condemned him to the cross, (but) those who had first loved him did not cease (doing so). Not bad, given this information is coming from ancient accounts hostile to the Biblical record. We don't know what kind of carpenter he was. On the eve of the Passover, Yeshu, accompanied by his disciples, came to Jerusalem riding upon an ass. Let anyone who knows anything in his favor come forward and plead for him.” But nothing was found in his favor, and they hanged him on the day before the Passover. While teaching one day, Jesus started talking about the Pharisees and describing how they acted. Why the Ancient Christian Record About Jesus Is the Most Reliable, Why It’s Futile to Look for the Perfect Argument for Christianity. This Bible story is the central summary of the saving Gospel of Jesus. In the Temple was to be found the Foundation Stone on which were engraven the letters of God’s Ineffable Name. Tacitus (56-120AD) Lucian of Samosata: (115-200 A.D.) Is there any evidence for Jesus outside the Bible? When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “You still lack one thing. Jesus knew the pressure of having to pay a tax bill. He led the Jews away from their beliefs. | Nothing of my own initiavite, Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan, Was Jesus Based on Myths Like Horus and Mithras? His writings about Christians describe their treatment under the Emperor Claudius (41-54AD): “Because the Jews at Rome caused constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus (Christ), he (Claudius) expelled them from the city (Rome).” (Life of Claudius, 25:4). Their writings are often very harsh, critical and even demeaning to Jesus. They said, "Isn't this the carpenter?". They might not come up in Sunday school, but they’re in there. Scholars believe this was one of the main reasons the book was rejected. Five Critical Claims. Clay Smith is the lead pastor of Alice Drive Baptist Church in Sumter. The Bible is then silent on the life of Jesus after the age of twelve in Nazareth to about the age of thirty or His early thirties when He began His public ministry. Asked his name, he replied to the question by several times giving the names Mattai, Nakki, Buni, Netzer, each time with a verse quoted by him and a counter-verse by the Sages. Bible Stories for the Young. Every day either he or his mother would go to the marketplace and haggle over a quart of grain or some dried fish. Yes, and the ancient non-Christian interpretations (and critical commentaries) of the Gospel accounts serve to strengthen the core claims of the New Testament. On the day of His crucifixion, the sky grew dark and there was an earthquake. Thereupon, they worshipped him as the Messiah, Son of the Highest. Most Christians believe that Jesus was and is God. | Contending for The Faith. Being thus driven away by her husband, and wandering about in disgrace, she gave birth to Jesus, a bastard. When they tried to hang him on a tree it broke, for when he had possessed the power he had pronounced by the Ineffable Name that no tree should hold him. However, God was surely active in other people, and occasionally we get tantalizing glimpses of the stories outside of the Bible’s scope. Afterward, He was buried in a tomb and the tomb was later found to be empty. Then he remembered and obtained the use of the letters. In spite of this, both events have been interpreted in a variety of ways. The disciples were also persecuted for their faith but were martyred without changing their claims. For the Son of Man came to … The story that's not in the Bible, but is true, means none of us can look at Jesus and say, "You don't understand money." And this, perhaps the most famous of Talmudic passages about Jesus: “It was taught: On the day before the Passover they hanged Jesus. If he was a builder of buildings, he had to bid jobs like any other contractor. As Martha hurries to ensure the preparations, Mary simply sits at the feet of Jesus and listens. strengthen the core claims of the New Testament, Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith, Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels, Christian Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, Is there any evidence for Jesus outside the New Testament? From this text, we can conclude: Jesus lived in Palestine, was a wise man and a teacher, worked amazing deeds, was accused by the Jews, crucified under Pilate and had followers called Christians. Sometime after 70AD, a Syrian philosopher named Mara Bar-Serapion, writing to encourage his son, compared the life and persecution of Jesus with that of other philosophers who were persecuted for their ideas. When they tried to take him there was a struggle, but Yeshu said to the men of Upper Galilee: “Wage no battle.” He would prove himself by the power which came to him from his Father in heaven. Matthew 23:1-12. – The Way of The Warrior, Pingback: Evidence for Jesus Outside the Bible – James Attebury, Pingback: Heeft Jezus bestaan? Yet, in the midst of such a robust eyewitness record, people still argue to this day about what they saw and what actually happened. Some of them are cryptic and even contradict sayings found in the official Gospels. “No one is good–except God alone. (Video), Are Christian Apologists Trying to Argue People into the Kingdom? Many elements of the Biblical record are confirmed by these hostile accounts, in spite of the fact they deny the supernatural power of Jesus: Jesus was born and lived in Palestine. In some places, the text is quite vicious, but it does confirm many elements of the New Testament writings. |, Who Is Jesus, According to Other Religions? – Cyber Penance, Pingback: Who is Jesus? In this history, Phlegon also mentions the darkness surrounding the crucifixion in an effort to explain it: “Phlegon records that, in the time of Tiberius Caesar, at full moon, there was a full eclipse of the sun from the sixth to the ninth hour.” (Africanus, Chronography, 18:1). From these accounts, we can add something to our understanding: Jesus had the ability to accurately predict the future, was crucified under the reign of Tiberius Caesar and demonstrated His wounds after he was resurrected. So, what's this story of Jesus you've never heard? | Wintery Knight, Pingback: Is There Evidence For Jesus Outside The Bible? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? It shouldn’t surprise us then to find the historical records of Jesus Christ might also experience the same type of scrutiny and diverse interpretation. 6 Bible Stories About Giving By Jesus in the Scriptures. For it is written, ‘When (mathai) shall I come and appear before God?’” (Psalm 92:2) They said to him, “Yes Matthai must be killed, for it is written, ‘When (mathai) he dies his name will perish’” (Psalm 41:5). The Bible records many stories about "forgiving". Something very similar occurred when the World Trade Center was attacked by terrorists. It is the story of Jesus running a small business, paying taxes, planning a budget, buying groceries, deciding to give to God's work - doing the same things we do. Except, most of these sayings are not in the Bible. The prophecies are fulfilled when Jesus begins to teach love. So it was done and Yeshu was seized. Melchizedek 1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2 where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. Pingback: Ancient Historians on Jesus Christ: World’s Most Elaborate Conspiracy Theory, or… Not? Resources to Help You Defend the Historicity of Jesus. (Video), How to Bridge the Cultural Divide (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S7E01), Some Thoughts on Law Enforcement and the Case for Christianity (Podcast), The Nature and Importance of a Reasonable Faith – with Dan Wooding (Podcast), The Challenges Posed by Culture and Social Media – with Bill Arnold (Podcast), Biblical Reliability No wonder Jesus was patient. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. | The Best of Belief, Pingback: Apologetics Roundup 04/27 – 05/03 | Hope's Reason, Pingback: In Case You Missed It (4/27/14 – 5/3/14) | The Hardin Crowder Blog, Pingback: The Three Things You Need to Read this Week (05/03/14) | Apologetics ForumApologetics Forum, Pingback: Jesus. The crucifixion of Jesus was a part of God's plan from the very beginning of the birth of Jesus. Jesus’ birth, events in his childhood and youth. Yeshu then resolved to go the Temple to acquire again the secret of the Name. Jesus He's been there. – Investigating Religion, How do we know there is a God? They brought Nakai. Photo Credit: Thinkstock God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”, Your email address will not be published. These accounts are generally hostile to Christianity; some ancient authors denied the miraculous nature of Jesus and the events surrounding His life: Thallus (52AD) Nero blamed the Christians for this fire and he punished Christians severely as a result: “Nero inflicted punishment on the Christians, a sect given to a new and mischievous religious belief.” (Lives of the Caesars, 26.2). Many elements of the Biblical record are confirmed by these hostile accounts, in spite of the fact they deny the supernatural power of Jesus.