Cole pulls Ciampa out of the ring and goes for a powerbomb, but Ciampa gets out. WARGAMES!!! Interesting move to have Raquel Gonzalez interfere. Here are the results from last night’s NXT Takeover: WarGames 2020 which took place from the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida. Lee stands over Gargano and goes for a Spirit Bomb, but Gargano attacks the hand again. Nox takes her down in the corner and hits a cannon-boar for a near fall. 1 Summary 2 Image Gallery 3 See also 4 External links After fulfilling their golden prophecy in 2019, The Undisputed ERA kicked off 2020 by adding even more gold. They go outside and Ciampa elbows him back. Bálor charges him, but Priest grabs him and hits a sidewalk slam on the apron. Blackheart quickly tags Yim in. Charlotte Flair all of a sudden attacks Rhea Ripley. ➡️ I've been waiting for these two to get an #NXTTakeOver match and they didn't disappoint. Ciampa knees him in the face and hits a torture rack bomb for a near fall. The crowd is buzzing. An “EST” chant picks up. Kross lifts him, but Ciampa fights out and chops him. O’Reilly is kicked back and goes for a pendulum lariat. Nox follows up with a summersault senton off the top rope to the floor! Gargano punches him down. As Flair is applying it, Shirai hits Ripley with a moonsault. #NXTTakeOver @MsCharlotteWWE @shirai_io @RheaRipley_WWE, Shirai rolls Flair up for a two count. Can't beat that @KORcombat and @theBobbyFish teamwork! Cole goes for a suicide dive, but Ciampa kicks him out of mid-air! They circle the ring, and Bálor wrenches the arm. Confetti and streams soar all around her as the show ends. #WWENXT, — (@wrestleview) June 7, 2020. Kai puts Blackheart in the corner and chokes her. Riddle and Dunne apply ankle locks to Fish and O’Reilly. Dijakovic slides off and goes for a clothesline, but Lee runs through it and hits a hurricanrana! Nox and Gonzalez tag in. @RealKeithLee and @DijakovicWWE have gone beyond the realm of the limitless! ➡️ LeRae leaps off the second rope with a splash. Manchester United’s 2020 Summer Transfer Window Looks Even Worse Now. Ciampa gets on the apron, so Cole follows and sets up for a Panama Sunrise. Poppy then performs the song “Fill the Crown” from the album I Disagree. NXT Women's Championship. Lee elbows him in the face a few times before hitting a strike combination followed by a backbreaker. The WWE video leads us into the show. Lee then military presses Gargano onto the apron. Cole gets in a silver sedan, so Dream starts beating on the car with a baseball bat. #NXTTakeOver #NXTChampionship, The #BacklotBrawl… it was just ok. Gargano continues to chop the chest, hurting his hand in the process. Bálor follows up with a second Coup de Grace for the win! Gargano peppers Lee with kicks to the head. Cole tells Dream to drop the bat he’s holding, which he does. Nox gets up, so Kai pulls her out of the ring and sends her into the ring steps. Dijakovic elbows out, but Lee fires up. Bálor fights up, but Gargano dropkicks him down. Nice job to introduce a new talent. Yim quickly goes for a waistlock takeover, but Gonzalez powers out. The bell rings, and the crowd immediately starts singing. Fish hits a Samoan Drop before tagging O’Reilly in. Gargano applies a side headlock and takes him down. Ciampa approaches him and punches, but Kross smiles. They do an incredible spoof of the old ICOPRO commercials with NXT Champion Adam Cole from the early-1990s. Bálor charges and chops him in the corner. Cole tries to get in the ring, but he soon retreats. A graphic saying, In memory of Pat Patterson: 1941-2020 appears on the big screen. The table does not break. Lee gets fired up and clubs him. Gargano pulls the title out of the ring, and the crowd boos. Belair applies a neck vice before hitting a standing moonsault for a two count. — The BroserWeights def. Bálor attacks Priest at ringside, but Priest soon whips Bálor into the steps. Flair takes Ripley down before hitting Shirai with a fallaway slam. The referee nearly counts Lee out, but Gargano stops him. Gargano hits the ropes, but Lee crushes him with a slam! Ripley transitions into a Riptide for the win. Dream fights back at Cole and takes him down. The storytelling was excellent. Lee then turns him inside out with a German Suplex for a near fall. Lee goes for a Spirit Bomb, but Gargano digs at the injured eye. – The WWE NXT “Takeover: WarGames 2020” Pre-show opens up from the Capitol Wrestling Center with Wade Barrett welcoming us. They pull themselves up to their feet and stare angrily at one another. The Undisputed ERA poses on the apron celebrating. Flair and Ripley brawl at ringside. Flair goes back and forth hitting both women with the kendo stick. Lee goes for a spinning heel kick, but Dijakovic jumps over. They lock up, and Lee quickly wrenches the arm. Rhea Ripley was awesome. Bálor boots him back and hits a running forearm. A “Fight Forever” chant lightly picks up. A video kicks off the show that hypes up all the matches for tonight’s show. Good news! Dreams starts to climb, but Bobby Fish and Roderick Strong blind him with their high beams. Ciampa gets away and fights back. Cole jumps off the commentary table and hits a Panama Sunrise on the floor! Dream grabs a ladder and brings it by the car. Bálor gets on the other table and charges to hit Gargano with a Woo Dropkick off the table into the barricade! Priest kicks Bálor and punches him down. Gargano forearms him back, so Bálor attacks the knee. Gargano quickly slams him into the corner. Gonzalez runs in while the referee deals with Kai and takes Blackheart down. NXT has gone from a bonus feature over WrestleMania 31 weekend in 2015 when the promotion ran a non-televised live event to almost ever year featuring a Takeover special. . Poppy then performs the song “Fill the Crown” from the album I Disagree. 6. In this match Finn Balor defeated Thatcher. It's not revenge @TeganNoxWWE_ is after, it's a reckoning! Kai goes for a superplex, but Nox hits a chokeslam off the top rope. Sam asks Wade what the superstars are thinking about. Blackheart kicks LeRae in the head, knocking her out of the ring. Great #NXTTakeOver debut for Karrion Kross. Gargano hits a kick that stuns him. The referee is counting them down, but they each get to the ropes. February 16, 2020 Ciampa backs up and hits a running knee to the side of the head. Kai goes under the ring and starts putting weapons in the ring such as chairs and trash cans. Ciampa gets him up for an avalanche Air Raid Crash… and he connects for a near fall! Gargano knocks, but no one answers. Gargano punches him in the face to get out of the hold, and he limps around. Lee wrenches the arm and lifts him up. Dunne bites O’Reilly’s fingers before manipulating the joint. Ciampa catches him with a DDT on the way into the ring. Gargano then viciously kicks him down. Fish attacks Dunne’s knee and picks up a two count. Dunne attacks the arm in the ring before Fish kicks the legs out from under him. Bálor fights back, but Priest pushes him to the corner. Nox sets up a table at ringside and puts Kai in the ring. Flair knocks Ripley down before shouldering Shirai. The referee says the match must end in the ring. Ciampa follows him out of the ring and hits a front suplex on the barricade. Ripley superkicks her and charges, but Belair gives her a back body drop over the top rope. Ciampa fights out with a bridge for a two count. Cole is looking for an escape through the fake storefronts. Gonzalez soon powerbombs her, but Yim breaks it up. Io Shirai celebrates with the NXT Women’s Championship. Lee whips him off, and they start hitting the ropes. Gargano hits a suicide dive into a DDT on the floor! Ciampa hits the Fairy Tale Ending for a near fall! Dijakovic quickly lifts him up for Feast Your Eyes, but he can’t lift him. O’Reilly applies a Sharpshooter, while Fish applies a rear naked choke to Riddle. NXT TakeOver: Portland Feb 16, 2020 Results & Report. NXT TakeOver: Portland Results Dragged at times something fierce. @AdamColePro is TRAPPED IN THE CAR! NXT TakeOver: WarGames 2020 – Live Results Last updated 7th December 2020 at 3:20am. Dijakovic then hits a discus kick that sends Lee out of the ring. Priest gets Bálor in the ring and attacks. LeRae then hits Yim with a high angle release suplex. Dunne drops Fish on the apron after O’Reilly tags in. The announcement by Flair was expected, but worked well. Belair goes for a handspring standing moonsault, but Ripley gets the knees up. Cole cannot believe that didn’t put him away. Lee hits a head-butt before going for a slam, but Gargano counters into a roll-up for a near fall! Lee then crushes him with a Big Bang Catastrophe for the win. Bálor rolls out of the ring to recover. Gargano superkicks him as he gets out of the ring. Dijakovic then hits a suplex on the apron. Lee lets out a big scream before hitting a powerbomb followed by the Big Bang Catastrophe for the win! Bálor looks around before looking down at Gargano. Nox says she’s not done yet. Flair bounces off the ropes before rolling out of the ring. The front door is locked. NXT TakeOver: WarGames 2020 aired live from the Capitol Wrestling Center. Bálor puts him on the apron and blocks a kick. Lee punches him back with some left hands. An “NXT” chant fires up. Flair then sends Ripley into the barricade! Bálor turns him inside out with a kick to the leg. Velveteen Dream in a Backlot Brawl to retain the NXT Championship Priest goes for a chokeslam, but Bálor rolls him up for a near fall. Ciampa gets Cole in the ring, but he rolls out on the other side. They go for a Doomsday Device on Fish, but Fish gets out. The crowd gives them a nice hand. Priest sends him into the ropes and hits a back elbow. Gargano stuns him with an enzuigiri and punches away at him. The January 22, 2019 Edition of NXT was a Professional wrestling television show of the WWE which took place at the Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. Tommaso Ciampa via Referee Stoppage Bálor soon comes back with a Sling Blade. O’Reilly tags in and takes Dunne down at ringside. Kai tags in. Gargano quickly boots him back and chops the chest. Lee grabs Gargano by the throat and hits a Spirit Bomb! #NXTTakeOver. Cole tries to crawl away, but Dream kicks him. The rivalry that delivers every damn time. Pete Dunne tags in and flips Riddle onto Fish before dropkicking him. Belair then hits a summersault senton! Ciampa avoids the Last Shot and sends Cole over the top rope onto the UE. Ciampa attacks Cole trying to hit him with the NXT Championship. #NXTTakeOver @NXTCiampa There are cars surrounding the ring. Shirai hits Ripley with a nice suicide dive and celebrates until Flair attacks her from behind. Kai tags back in and stomps Blackheart. Ciampa knees him in the face again and goes for a Fairy Tale Ending, but Kross lifts him up and slams him down. Belair then hits a military press slam. Belair turns it on her, so Ripley shoulders her. #NXTTakeOver @JohnnyGargano @RealKeithLee, — WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) June 7, 2020. Dijakovic talks trash while punching and clubbing Lee. Gargano taunts the crowd and gets in the ring before stretching the injured hand some more. Lee pushes him off, but Gargano punches him in the eye to knock him to the corner. Ciampa clears the top of the table and powerbombs Cole onto it again! Dunne hits a moonsault block to Fish on the floor while Riddle goes for a Floating Bro on O’Reilly, but he gets the knees up. Cole goes to the second rope, but Ciampa dropkicks her out of mid-air. Some mistimed stuff as well, but overall entertaining. They hit the ropes before Gargano forearms him and hits a discus clothesline. Gargano punches him and hits the ropes, but Bálor takes him down with a clothesline for a one count. Cole eventually finds a door that open to escape. After the match, Raquel Gonzalez celebrates with Dakota Kai. Not a great match with Ripley and Belair. Bianca Belair comes out in a robe that says, “Black History in the making” on the back of it. Dijakovic stumbles back into the ring, but Lee pulls him out. Dream rolls Cole up twice for two counts. — Adam Cole def. Gargano goes outside, but Lee gives him a Pounce through the dasher boards! Priest goes for a crucifix powerbomb off the apron, but Bálor fights out. Belair soon takes her down with a spinebuster for a two count. Gargano applies a side headlock, but Lee again powers him away. Shirai then wipes Ripley out with a springboard dropkick. Ciampa gets out of a back body drop and wildly hits a bunch of clotheslines followed by a German Suplex. WWE. Gargano digs his finger into the eye. Dunne stomps the hands of Fish at ringside before going for a kick, but he hits the ring post when Fish moves. Hard to find things to nitpick about it because it was such a spectacle. Gargano attacks the eye and starts the 10 punches in the corner. #NXTTakeOver. Belair puts her in the corner and on the top rope. — (@wrestleview) February 17, 2020. Flair is quite pleased with herself. Bálor hits a Woo Dropkick into the corner. Kai’s hands hurt as the bat breaks. They lock up, and Bálor quickly shoves him down. They trade slaps, which pulls the crowd into it. Ripley punches away at Flair. Gargano puts him in the ring, but Bálor rolls out on the other side. 12/07/2020. Nox grabs the table from ringside and puts it into the ring. Ripley dropkicks her into the corner and stomps her. Hard to keep up with, but a lot of fun. Ripley goes for a superplex on Shirai, but she fights it. NXT […] Kross gets him in the ring and knees away at him. Dunne takes him down with an ankle lock. June 7, 2020 Cole shouts for a timeout. Johnny Gargano #WWENXT #AndNew #BroserWeights @PeteDunneYxB @SuperKingofBros — WWE (@WWE) February 20, 2020 “Bro. Shirai hits Flair with a baseball slide for a near fall. Mar 4, 2021, 10:42am EST. Bálor goes to the top rope, but Priest grabs him by the throat. Bálor sends him into the corners with chops. ➡️ Excellent tag team match. Ciampa kicks him in the groin out of mid-air. Ripley boots Shirai back. Todd Pettengill is back to hock merchandise much like he did on all the old WWF PPVs. It was just missing that one next level match. Gargano sends him into the barricade and chops him. Go to for all your merchandise needs. The Undisputed ERA to win the NXT Tag Team Championship Kai and Gonzalez collect around LeRae. Lee follows Gargano out, but Gargano gets away. Kai charges for a running big boot in the corner, but Blackheart moves. LeRae tags in and goes for a senton splash, but Blackheart avoids it. — Rhea Ripley def. Shirai rolls Flair up, but Ripley breaks it up. Lee then annihilates him with a Pounce into the opposite corner. Portland is draped in NXT gold! All three women worked super hard in this. Ciampa hits a running knee to the face before posing for the crowd. Gargano rolls out of the ring to recover. Nox hits a Shiniest Wizard. Surprised Shirai won — figured they'd have it on Flair for a bit, but maybe they need her more on #WWERaw. Renee Young is backstage wearing some retro gear. Kross powers Ciampa over the top rope with one hand. Flair immediately goes for a Figure Eight, but Ripley rips Flair out of the ring by the hair. ... WWE NXT TakeOver Vengeance Day Results—Sunday, February 14, 2021 NXT TakeOver XXX Results August 22, 2020 Winter Park, Florida (Full Sail University) Results by: Mike Tedesco of “Then. The crowd chants, “This is awesome!” Cole takes Ciampa down and applies the crossface. Nox sets up the table in the ring and puts Kai on it. Cole goes to the top rope and pulls Ciampa up. Cole kicks Ciampa in the face and mocks him. Priest stomps him down in the corner and covers for a one count. Bálor rolls through a sunset flip, but Gargano takes him down. Bálor digs his forearm into Gargano’s face before hitting a low dropkick to the head for another one count. Bálor charges as he gets in the ring, so Gargano hits a slingshot spear for a near fall. Nox grabs the throat, but Kai fights it. NXT TakeOver XXX (originally NXT TakeOver: Boston) was a professional wrestling and WWE Network event produced by WWE for their NXT brand division.It took place on August 22, 2020 at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida.It was the 30th NXT TakeOver event. Bálor punches Priest some more. Gargano goes for a suicide dive, but Bálor catches him. Priest splashes Bálor in the corner with some back elbows. Gargano digs Lee’s eye into the turnbuckle pad. O’Reilly knees Riddle in the face. Flair then transitions to the Figure Eight! Lee takes a moment to recover before getting to his feet. Cole is on the top rope. Cole claws to the bottom rope and saves his title for now. Flair knees Shirai in the midsection, but Shirai comes back with a sit-out slam. Bálor comes back with a Sling Blade and sets up for a Woo Dropkick. Gargano counters into a roll-up for a near fall. Dream rolls him up again, and Cole gets out of the ring. Lee slowly approaches and slams him into the door before hitting the Grizzly Magnum. Nox then sweeps the feet. They get out of the holds. Cole leaps, but Ciampa counters into an Air Raid Crash on the apron! Flair quickly sends Shirai into the ring post before throwing her into Ripley. Metallica’s “Moth Into Flame” starts to play, and we see hype for all the matches […] Bálor gets Gargano in the ring and hits the Coup de Grace! Ciampa then powerbombs him on top of the commentary table. Tegan Nox tags in and kicks away at Gonzalez’ leg. The BroserWeights celebrated their Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic victory by pulling into Full Sail in style on a golf cart with their trophy, sharing the moment with the NXT Universe. An “NXT” chant fires up. This was a best of 2020 episode. Cole kicks him twice, knocking him out of the ring. By Marc Middleton | February 16, 2020. Lee slowly goes around the barricade to retrieve Gargano. Cole connects with an ushigoroshi for a near fall. Cole sprays a fire extinguisher in Dream’s face. April 26th, NXT UK Takeover: Dublin. #NXTTakeOver @FinnBalor @ArcherOfInfamy Belair fights and tries for a superplex. The crowd chants, “Holy Shit!”, Cole applies a grapevine to the neck and yells for Ciampa to give up. Results by: Mike Tedesco of Ripley gets her in the ring and goes to the top rope. Yim hits a clothesline and a dropkick on LeRae followed by a neckbreaker. Kai tags in, but she accidentally hits Gonzalez. Priest blocks a whip, but Bálor hits a suplex. Online Magazine; Full highlights and results from NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day: WWE Now, Feb. 14, 2020 Gargano works on the arm. What a match! She’s going to interview Triple H after the show on Facebook. Lee fights up with Gargano on his back. @RealKeithLee is STILL your #WWENXT #NorthAmericanChampion! Dunne kills him with joint manipulation before stomping O’Reilly’s hand to break it up. Cole covers Ciampa for the win! Ciampa angrily sends him into the ring steps, post, and over the commentary table. #NXTTakeOver @FinnBalor WhatsApp. Gargano writhes in pain on the mat. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show. Bálor catches him and stuns him with a kick. Io Shirai was on point with everything. . Gargano punches at him, but Lee swats him down. Fun stuff. Dream looks around for Cole and opens a door. Bálor avoids an avalanche by jumping to the apron. Gargano follows Bálor out of the ring and hits a Woo Dropkick into the barricade. Flair goes over to Ripley for another near fall. Belair shoves her off and taunts her. Dijakovic grabs him on the apron, but Lee bounces him off the top turnbuckle. Gargano playfully hops around. Cole rolls out on the other side of the ring, and the crowd boos. Cole gets him in the ring after the referee checks him and covers for a near fall. Bianca Belair to retain the NXT Women’s Championship Ciampa stomps the hand and hits a headlock takeover. Bálor charges, but Priest hits a spin kick. #NXTTakeOver. They trade elbows to the head before going for a clothesline, but neither goes down. They do another classic 1990s commercial spoof with the WWE Ice Cream sandwiches. Dakota Kai, Raquel Gonzalez, and Candice LeRae They hit O’Reilly with stereo kicks before hitting Fish with a Bro-To-Sleep/Kick to the head for the win! They pose together to the delight of the crowd. They go for a test of strength, and Gargano takes him down with an overhead wristlock. Two powerful women going head to head tonight on NXT TakeOver. Ciampa charges, but Cole big boots him down before doing Ciampa’s taunt. Flair stomps Ripley and tells the crowd to “Suck it.” Flair puts Ripley and Shirai side-by-side on the mat and goes to the top rope for a moonsault, but Ripley gets the knees up. Lee avoids a slingshot spear and hits a backbreaker for a near fall. Kross follows him out, so Ciampa elbows him away. @SuperKingofBros and @PeteDunneYxB wipe out Fish and O'Reilly! They hype tonight’s show. NXT TakeOver: Portland Results February 16, 2020 Portland, Oregon Results by: Mike Tedesco of “Then. Kai grabs a cricket bat and swings, but Nox ducks. Gargano goes to kick the steps into Lee’s hand, but Lee avoids it. Dream hits a double axe handle before getting him in the ring. Ladies and gentlemen… we have ourselves a Street Fight. All of a sudden, Dexter Lumis pops out from under the ring. Cole soon gets out and takes him down. Kross grabs him by the beard, but Ciampa slaps him in the face and punches. They celebrate in front of the trophy as the pyro goes […] LeRae avoids a kick, but Yim hits a dragon suplex for a near fall. The crowd is loving it. At the conclusion of the song, the Performance Center trainees chant “NXT.”. NXT Takeover WarGames 2020 Results – Your host for the PreShow is Wade Barrett and he is joined by Sam Roberts and Ariel Helwani. Ripley knocks Shirai back, and Flair attacks Ripley. Lee powers him off out of instinct, but Gargano quickly responds with a boot to the head. Lee goes for a powerbomb on the floor, but Dijakovic slides off. Ripley takes her down and hits a dropkick. Lee sets up for a Spirit Bomb, but Gargano attacks the hand and crawls through the legs. On New Year's Eve, NXT UK relives Jordan Devlin and Tyler Bate's epic showdown at NXT UK TakeOver: Blackpool II. Dream still punches Cole off the ladder through a windshield! Lee shushes the crowd and crushes him with a double chop to the chest! Looked like an absolute killer by destroying Ciampa. Rhea Ripley is shown preparing for her title match later tonight. Fish quickly tags in and hits a slingshot senton for a two count. Flair avoids a handspring back elbow and applies a high angle Boston Crab. They trade roll ups to no avail. Thank you, @RealKeithLee and @DijakovicWWE. Flair immediately hits Shirai with Natural Selection for a near fall! NXT TakeOver: In Your House Results June 7, 2020 Winter Park, Florida Results by: Mike Tedesco of “Then. Awwwwww. Nox puts a garbage can over Kai’s head and hits a running hip attack into it. Dream goes to slam a garbage can on him, but Cole moves. Wait for it…. Shirai gets Flair in the ring and goes to the top rope. Flair looks absolutely livid. @ArcherOfInfamy wants to #LiveForever. Just a fun match with tons of goofy and fun spots. The Undisputed Era ( Adam Cole, Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly ) The BroserWeights ( Matt Riddle & Pete Dunne) (c) vs. Gargano fights away and goes for a summersault senton, but Lee catches him. Bálor fights his way to the bottom rope for a rope break. Strong and Fish double-team Dream and take him out. Shirai quickly takes Ripley down and hits Flair with a tiger feint kick (619). Shirai then hits Ripley and Flair with a wild cross-body block! #NXTTakeOver, Good street fight with Tegan Nox and Dakota Kai. Flair big boots Shirai in the midsection before chopping away at Ripley on the top rope. Cole is incredulous. Flair kips up and says this is her house. ➡️ He’s joined by Sam Roberts. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show. Kai hits a scorpion kick and takes her down for a two count. Bálor grabs him and hits the 1916 for the win! Bálor puts him in the corner and ties the leg into the ropes. Nox kicks her a bunch of times before hitting her in the knee and back with a garbage can. Lee is finally down, and he goes to the apron. Nox uppercuts her and hits the ropes, but Gonzalez catches her. Gargano falls onto Bálor for a near fall. Bálor quickly grapevines the head, and Gargano gets out. #NXTTakeOver, Very good main event. Flair goes to spear Ripley, but they fumble it. Gargano avoids the Coup de Grace before applying the Gargano Escape. OFFICIAL RESULTS. — Io Shirai def. Shirai blindsides Flair with a hurricanrana off the apron. Priest hits the Broken Arrow, but Bálor soon takes him down and hits a nasty double foot stomp! All three women are down. Blackheart gets LeRae in the ring and hits a meteora off the top rope. Gargano gets out and hits a dropkick before hitting another headlock takeover. Ripley head-butts Shirai before clubbing away at Flair. Video Package: The life and career of Pat Patterson #AndStill #NXTTakeOver @JohnnyGargano, Really good match with Keith Lee and Johnny Gargano. Blackheart avoids an enzuigiri and applies a double underhook submission, but Kai breaks it up. Fish slams Riddle off the top rope. Matt Riddle, Pete Dunne & Tommaso Ciampa vs. Nox then hits a Molly-Go-Round for a near fall. ➡️ Cole connects with a Last Shot, but Ciampa rolls himself to the bottom rope to prevent being pinned. The end is here for @NXTCiampa. Cole sends Ciampa into the referee. The bell rings, and the main event begins. Shirai then applies a crossface to Flair. WWE has yet to officially announce or confirm the TakeOver special for April 8. Cole applies a waistlock, but Ciampa applies a side headlock to get out. will have full coverage of NXT TakeOver: In Your House tonight starting at 7:00 p.m Eastern (6:00 CT) with live thoughts on Twitter via @wrestleview. The crowd chants, “This is awesome.” Ripley avoids Natural Selection and slams Flair on her face. She is a wrathful queen. Lee punches Gargano back, who crawls over to the In Your House set. Ciampa connects with Project Ciampa for a near fall! Belair then whips her ponytail into Ripley. The bell rings, and we’ve got dueling chants already. Cole makes a comeback and hits an ushigoroshi for a near fall. The @DreamWWE's aspirations of becoming #NXTChampion are officially OVER. Pettengill then puts over AOL chat rooms. Roderick Strong says Wednesday is coming up, but tonight is tonight.