Most holidays in Iran are religious in nature. The Iranian New Year's Celebration ( Now Ruz ) is the nation's principal secular holiday. If the birthday coincides with the day off, the holiday may be celebrated a few days earlier. Its the Ashura that is religious too and people are really sad that day because of the martyrdom in the past. Martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemah is on Wednesday, 29 January 2020; Anniversary … Literally “drip-drip,” Chak Chak is a Zoroastrian temple located just outside of Yazd. Preparations for Norooz begin in the month Esfand (or Espand), the last month of winter in the Persian solar calendar. Iranians think it is. more on this story. They renovate and clean their houses, purchase new clothes, and usually plan for a nice trip in their 15-day holidays (Nowruz holidays are … The Most Important Holiday in Iran… Norooz. In addition to Islamic-based festivals and traditions, Iraq holidays also include a number of cultural events and religious celebrations. This is a significant eve to Shi’a Muslims. Comprehensive list of National Public Holidays that are celebrated in Iran during 2019 with dates and information on the origin and meaning of holidays. The few secular holidays relate to pre-Islamic practices, or modern political events. Iran holidays More galleries. Haji Firooz. In Iran, too, the Persian celebrate Qorban eve by giving away meat and paying a visit to their loved ones. Iran is a West Asian nation that is situated on the western edge of the continent where it spans an area of roughly 636,372 square miles. Remember that all Muslim eves are holidays in Iran, which means most of the places you can go to, like theaters and museums, are closed. Discovering Iran: from Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf. Qadir takes place a week after Qorban. In 2017, the value of Iran's gross domestic product was roughly $447.7 billion. Once you’ve seen the similar sites in Yazd, a visit here gives further … This tradition is most enjoyed by children who are waiting for the party with the greatest impatience. Another unusual tradition of Iranians is to celebrate holidays the night before. – Qadir Eve. List of National and Public Holidays in Iran for the year 2020. The 22 bahman which is the day that Iran became a Islamic republic and people celebrate it in two days. The most important Zoroastrian pilgrimage site in Iran, many Zoroastrians visit the temple every year. Cultural traditions in Iran: celebrating holidays on the eve. Iran's economy, which according to the World Bank is heavily reliant on natural resources, is considered to be the second largest in the Middle East and North Africa region. As the most important date in the Persian calendar, they start to get ready for the New Year weeks before. The eid Ghadir and Fetr which is a religious holiday and people celebrate it. Haji Firooz. Christmas festivities are enjoyed by the small Christian population that remained in the country after the 2003 Iraq War, while art and other forms of expression are widely observed throughout the country. Hajji Firuz is the traditional herald of Norooz! Norooz is the most important holiday in Iran.