Iran has amazing people. Primary education is compulsory in Iran. All children spend six years of their lives at primary level from ages six to 12 and attend high school from ages 12 to 18. The education system in Iran is divided into two main levels: primary education and high-school education. This is where Iran’s higher education system is in crises: producing far more college graduates (and often of low quality) than the domestic economy can absorb. In November 2019, the government unexpectedly announced it was cutting petrol subsidies. It said the price of petrol would rise by 50% to 15,000 rials a … This trend, which has gotten worse in the past decade, has in turn exacerbated the economic, social, and political problems inside Iran. Today, the system is dominated by hard-line conservative groups backed by the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the most powerful politician in Iran. The goal of creating a nationwide education system was never achieved during the Pahlavi era. Drivers of Iranian Student Mobility: Demographic Pressure. One sector that has been seen several reforms in the past four decades is the primary and secondary education system. in our education systems – from access to the broadband and computers needed for online education, and the supportive environments needed to focus on learning, up to the misalignment between resources and needs. The lockdowns in response to COVID-19 have interrupted conventional schooling with nationwide school closures in Iran is caught between diverging demographic trends. Main Challenges in Education in Iran Armin Mahmoudi1, Syeed Ataolah Eftekrai2 1Assistant Professor, ... education system" should relate to one another. The Iranian University Entrance Exam, simply known as Konkour (Persian: کنکور; from the French Concours), is a standardized test used as one of the means to gain admission to higher education in Iran.Generally, to get a Ph.D. in non-medical majors, there are three exams, all of them called Konkour. In recent years, girls’ education in Iran has fallen victim to many restrictions and limitations. In 1940 only 10 percent of all elementary-age children were enrolled in school, and less than 1 percent of youths between the ages of 12 and 20 were in secondary school. March 1st, 2019 Iran’s education system has undergone a number of reforms since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Your friends, your family, and even strangers can be incredibly warm and kind. The conservatives have managed to sideline both the right-wing populists backed by former President Ahmadinejad and reformists calling for a more open political system. Between 1980 and today the population more than doubled. Contributing factors include current demographic trends, high youth unemployment, and structural problems in Iran’s higher education system, especially at the graduate level. The most recent changes to the education system, according to the Iranian Students’ News Agency (ISNA), took place… Wikimedia Commons has media related to Iranian University Entrance Exam. The social support system is really, really strong. Strategic' reform in out education system is indispensable but ... and problem solving, and most importantly, practical respect for human rights.