Since its founding in 1891, many people have passed through the doors of the Vatican Observatory. XIIth IAU General Assembly : Hamburgu, República Democrática Alemana XIth IAU General Assembly ( 1961 ): Berkeley (California) , Estaos Xuníos Xth IAU General Assembly ( 1958 ): Moscú , Xunión Soviética You have just one week to get yourself to Beijing for the twenty-eighth International Astronomical Union General Assembly. Few noticed this at the time but the subsequent reaction by disenfranchised members led us to revise this position in Prague. Feb. 28, 2018. Welcome to the first newsletter of IAU Commission C3 (History of Astronomy). The year 2009 will be a very special one for as-tronomy, as it is the 400th anniversary of Galileo’s first observations with a tele-scope. IYA2009 Secretariat. If you would still like to attend the Assembly then please come and register in Manchester. IAU IYA2009 EC Working Group. The focus meeting will take place in Busan at the 31st IAU General Assembly which takes places from August16–27, 2021. To implement these developmental objectives, the IAU partnered with South Africa’s National Research Foundation in 2010 to establish the Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD), hosted within the South African Astronomical Observatory in Cape Town. Nevertheless, since 1928, German astronomers participated in the IAU General Assemblies as invited guests and in the work of the IAU Commissions as co-opted members. And the membership of China and Taiwan was an extremely complex issue, for which a breakthrough solution was negotiated in 1979. The next major opportunity for an in-depth review of the field will be IAU Symposium No. IAU 2006 General Assembly: video-records of the discussion and of the final vote on the Planet definition. The IAU members gathered at the 2006 General Assembly agreed that a "planet" is defined as a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit. The exhibition celebrates the last 100 years of astronomy in the occasion of the centenary of the IAU in 2019. This was announced at the IAU General Assembly in 1932. For the next decade, we do not know of any attempt of Germany to become a member of the IAU. The IAU General Assembly in 2009 ratified a visionary strategic plan which aimed to realise the impact of astronomy on global development. This exhibition is not available for sale. The XXX General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) ends today in Vienna, Austria. The XXXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union Vienna was held from August 20-31, 2018 in Vienna, Austria. IAU General Assembly in Berkeley, USA, in 1961. Credit: IAU. IAU XXX General Assembly draws to a close. This entry is part 65 of 79 in the series Specola Guestbook. XXX IAU General Assembly, August 2018 Teresa Lago, ed. Credit: Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre (Lars Lindberg Christensen & Martin Kornmesser) Usage of ESA/Hubble Images and Videos There is This issue is jampacked with - progress reports of our Commission, Working Groups, and Project Groups since the Vienna General Assembly. Specola Guestbook | May 10, 1922: IAU 1st General Assembly part 11. The IAU also serves as the internationally recognized authority for assigning designations to celestial bodies and any surface features on them. Category:IAU 26th General Assembly. One of the largest astronomy meetings ever held, it has seen a huge assortment of frontline astronomy topics presented, with six symposia, 22 multi-session focus meetings, nine IAU Division meetings and dozens of IAU Commission meetings. Specola Guestbook | May 10, 1922: IAU 1st General Assembly part 7 – Somigliana, Volta, Vercelli, Bauer, Baillaud, and Perrier. ing General Assembly. Jan. 31, 2018. Opening of registration, abstract and grant submission. The proceedings of the first General Assembly of the IAU show Parr as present at the meeting, but he does not appear to have served on any committees. The precise dates will be made known at a later stage. For 2 weeks, the astronomy community from around the world gathered to discuss science, outreach, education, development in … The 30th IAU General Assembly will take place from August 20-31, 2018. In total, 2412 astronomers from 73 countries participated at the General Assembly. Recent observational and theoretical results show that the period between recombination and the end of the reionization era is very dynamic in terms of star and galaxy formation. This entry is part 69 of 77 in the series Specola Guestbook. Sept. 1, 2017. Terminated national members. IAU General Assembly XXVII - Joint Discussion #12. IAU 100th Anniversary ExhibitionPremieres in Vienna. XXXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union Vienna, August 20-31, 2018. XXX IAU General Assembly: During the IAU GA in Vienna this August, the Project Manager Berenice Himmelfarb presented the Astronomy Translation Network platform and its achievements for the Focus Meeting 14 on the “IAU’s role on global astronomy outreach, the … This panel was used for the IAU XXVIth General Assembly 2006. The Cold War obviously posed problems. Deadline of early-bird registration and. The XXIVth International Astronomical Union General Assembly, Noting IAU XXVIth General Assembly. 18 August 2018. The IAU 24th General Assembly pre-registration service has now closed and cannot accept registrations, amendments or bookings for attendance, accommodation, tours, proceedings or meal vouchers. The IAU General Assembly XXXI has been postpooned to 2022. Transactions IAU, Volume XXXB Proc. The next IAU General Assembly will take place in Rio de Janeiro, in 2009. Author Anthony Brown Posted on December 10, 2020 Focus Meeting 7 at IAU GA XXXI. 202, Planetary Systems in the Universe, at the 24th IAU General Assembly. An interview with Piero Benvenuti, incoming Secretary General of the IAU, Günther Hasinger, director of the UH Institute for Astronomy. IAU RESOLUTIONS. It is reported, however, that his linguistic skills were invaluable for helping the diverse members of the IAU to communicate during the meeting. At the Sydney IAU General Assembly (GA) the statutes were modified to remove the votes by individual members. Posted on November 22, 2020 by Robert Macke November 20, 2020. Due to uncertainties related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Astronomical Union has decided to postpone the XXXI General Assembly in Busan, South Korea, one year to August 2022. c 2019 International Astronomical Union DOI: 00.0000/X000000000000000X THIRTHIETH GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS PRESENTED TO THE XXXth GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION B4 on a suggested renaming of the Hubble Law Proposed by the IAU Executive Committee IAU 2006 General Assembly: Result of the IAU Resolution votes International Astronomical Union official site. The IAU General Assembly in 2009 ratified a visionary strategic plan which aimed to realise the impact of astronomy on global development. English: The 26th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) took place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 14th to 25th August 2006. The IAU, through its Division III: Planetary Systems Sciences, provides a forum for international discussion and coordination of research in this exciting new branch of astronomy. Resolution B1.1 Maintenance and Establishment of Reference Frames and Systems. deadline of exhibition reservation. It contains announcements of upcoming conferences and reports of those that have recently taken place. Posted on November 15, 2020 by Robert Macke November 14, 2020. The IAU has proposed that 2009 should be designated the Internation- al Year of Astronomy; UNESCO has en- IAU General Assembly Postponed, IAU Membership Applications Due | American Astronomical Society To implement these developmental objectives, the IAU partnered with South Africa’s National Research Foundation in 2010 to establish the Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD), hosted within the South African Astronomical Observatory in Cape Town. One of the most painful consequences was the cancellation of the General Assembly in Leningrad in 1951. The Austrian Astronomers invite their international colleagues to attend the XXXth IAU GA and to visit Vienna in 2018. IAU General Assembly Busan, Republic of Korea August 16-27, 2021 IAU Grant Application Deadline: 28th of February 2021 IAU General Assembly. Azerbaijan Cuba North Macedonia Uzbekistan General Assemblies. South African astronomical community, acting on behalf of astronomy stakeholders across the African continent, in collaboration with the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), and with strong support from the South African Government, invited the International Astronomical Union to Africa, to hold the XXXII IAU General Assembly in Cape Town, South Africa, in August 2024. IAU President-elect, Ewine van Dishoeck (on the right) during the opening of the exhibition: Above and Beyond at the XXX IAU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. Taking place from the 20th to the 27 th of August, this is the general meeting of the IAU… Specola Guestbook | May 10, 1922: IAU 1st General Assembly part 10. August 20, 2012 Podcasts, Science & Astronomy Frances. Posted on October 25, 2020 by Robert Macke October 27, 2020. Special Task Groups The IAU XXX General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, ends today, Friday, 31 August 2018, after two busy weeks packed with symposia, meetings and events. Since its founding in 1891, many people have passed through the doors of the Vatican Observatory. News 6 Resolutions adopted at GA-XXVI Updated Statutes, Bye Laws & Working Rules now on-line News from IAU XXVIth General Assembly Newsletter n° 5 now available The Peter Gruber Fellowships 2006 IAU General Assembly 2018 hosts public astronomy events in Vienna. August 10 - 11, 11:00 - 17:30h, both days. IAU Resolutions Adopted at the 24th General Assembly Annex 1 Noting 1. that Resolution B2 of the XXIIIrd General Assembly (1997) specifies, "That the Hipparcos Catalogue shall be the primary realisation of the International Celes-tial Reference System (ICRS) at optical wavelengths", 2. This entry is part 68 of 80 in the series Specola Guestbook. Planet Definition Questions & Answers Sheet, International Astronomical Union Official Site This event is being held under the patronage of the Federal President of Austria. ADOPTED THE 24th GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Manchester, August 2000) Final version of resolutions English - Word doc English - Word rtf English-Postcript French-Postcript.