Although the countries listed above are the most commonly included in the term "Middle East," various interpretations include additional countries. East Pakistan (1971) Sri Lanka (1980s / 90s) Maldives (1988) Pakistan (2000s till to date) Nepal (2015 & 2020) Bhutan (2017) Human Rights Violations. It ignores state-backed terrorism and proxy wars perpetrated by countries like Pakistan and Iran; it ignores the real human-rights issues and the plight of oppressed nations of the Middle East … Other Definitions of Middle East . According to the World Economic Forum’s most recent gender gap report, equality has made “modest” gains in the Middle East. $74.8 million to the “Caribbean Basin Security Initiative” (page 1498). Banning Amnesty International and many other international and domestic organizations for reporting on human rights … Moreover, many countries that imposed death sentences in 2014, did so in response to real or perceived threats to state security and public safety posed by terrorism, crime or internal instability. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, human rights became divisive across developing countries and within Middle Eastern politics. $33 million “for democracy programs for Venezuela” (page 1498). India while exercising its right to reply at the Human Rights Council on Tuesday said that Pakistan, a country in a dire economic situation, is using the forum for its malicious propaganda against India. But even the new Arab Organization for Human Rights, in its charter, incorporates language that practically invites the regimes to “declare a state of emergency” which would “justify the renouncement of the commitments incorporated in this Charter.” In many Middle East countries, there has been marked progress in the realm of social rights. States in Middle East, carry out the capital punishment in response to particular crimes. Yemen is the poorest country in the Middle East and was decreed the country the most in need of humanitarian aid by the United Nations in 2016. While the rest of the world commemorated International Women's Day on March 8, women in the Middle East had less to celebrate than most. In Middle East and North African women still have half the rights of men. And Begum, of Human Rights Watch, says there’s lots of … Human Rights in Middle East and North Africa - Review in 2019 The full report documenting the state of human rights in the Middle East and North Africa during 2019 is available here . By 1968, when the first UN International Conference on Human Rights was held in Tehran, some government officials expressed open animosity towards the emerging rights regime. $461,375,000 to Colombia for programs related to counternarcotics and human rights (pages 1494-1496). Though women around the globe have made substantial progress in increasing their rights in the home, workplace, and political sphere, a new Freedom House survey finds that despite modest gains in the last 5 years, women in the Middle East … It is composed of a regional overview and 19 country entries, subdivided by key human rights themes. Human Rights Watch (HRW) recently released its World Report 2020, a yearly summary of human rights conditions, and nations in the Middle East region received a less than glowing review. In every region of the world, discriminatory laws still prevent women from fulfilling their potential, undermining their economic security by limiting their ability to work and pursue a career. Much remains to be done to deliver equality according to a World Bank report. Pakistan has slammed India at the UNHCR for its bleak human rights record, deteriorating human rights situation in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and for emerging as the larges…