human rights bodies. (Front Line Defenders). The 652-page volume reviews human rights practices and trends in … Basic rights include freedom of speech, privacy, health, life, liberty and security, as well as an adequate standard of living. At least 156 human rights defenders died in detention or were killed. The European Court of Human Rights safeguards the rights and liberties enshrined in the aforesaid European Convention of 1950 and its corresponding additional protocols. In June 2012, the Council of the European Union adopted the Strategic Framework, based on the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy (2015-2020), which established principles, goals and priorities designed to improve the efficiency and consistency of European policy in general for the next few years. Following the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a series of international treaties have been signed on human rights and other instruments developed within the applicable international legal framework. Armed groups committed human rights abuses in at least 36 countries. #Femmes, #paix et #sécurité Human Rights Day is held on 10 December each year, a day to remember the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly in Resolution 217 A (III), in 1948. ➡️ Action au niveau bilatéral, régional, européen et multilatéral Human rights and humanitarian crises. In 2015, Amnesty International investigated the human rights situation in 160 countries and territories worldwide. Various regional forums that Spain is a member of also address human rights matters: the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), of which Spain has been a participating State since its creation, defines “respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief”, as one of the main guidelines of relations between participating States, and has developed an important acquis on human rights matters based on the Helsinki Final Act. In order to implement its human rights policy, the EU has specific guidelines on priority issues, holds bilateral dialogue on human rights with more than 40 countries, and has approved the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) for the period 2014-2020, through which the EU supports groups, associations and individuals that defend human rights, fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law. But here’s how they’ve been restricting human rights and other non-governmental groups for years. There have been violent activities between people of different religions. Spain has the status of Observer State in the Organization of American States (OAS), which gathers together 35 independent States in the Americas and is the main governmental political, legal and social forum in the hemisphere, which firmly supports the Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights at both a political and financial level. A basic introduction to human rights, this booklet outlines their development through history, up to the present day. 30 or more countries illegally forced refugees to return to countries where they would be in danger. The terrorist group Al-Qaida carry out sectarian … Human rights are defined as universal, indivisible and interdependent. "It's nothing less than freedom money." Iraq. And surely for further info on countries, we have consulted human rights Watch World Report for 2020. Human rights at other forums: OSCE, Council of Europe, OAS. More than 60 million people were displaced from their homes worldwide.1 Many had been displaced for several years or longer. Éra…, The priority lines of action of our #FeministForeignPolicy are: Alex's writing and views on human rights and technology have appeared in media outlets across the world including The Atlantic, BBC, CNN, The Guardian, The … The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) was the first legal document protecting universal human rights. The cookies do not identify you. Millions of people demand respect for human rights each day, as recognised in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ➡️ Action at the bilateral, regional, European and multilateral level…, La #PolitiqueÉtrangèreFéministe est basée sur: Human rights are universal and every person around the world deserves to be treated with dignity and equality. Together with the foregoing, and in order to enhance the efficacy and visibility of the EU’s human rights policy, the legal figure of the Special Representative for Human Rights was created in July 2012, a post currently held by Stavros Lambrinidis. The African Court of Human Rights, based in the Gambia, is a more recent body, so its experience has been limited. This is very significant in countries like India, Afghanistan, Algeria, Brazil, and many other countries. Independence of Judiciary. This website uses cookies to allow us to see how the site is used. For 18 years, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) guerrillas of northern Uganda has been kidnapping boys to train them as soldiers and girls to turn them into sexual slaves of the commanders. Human rights encompass a wide variety of rights, including but not limited to the right to a fair trial, protection of physical integrity, protection against enslavement, the right to free speech, and the right to education. Severe human rights problems persist in Iraq. media center; meeting & events; publications and resources. Protecting Rights, Saving Lives. The map categorizes the legal status of abortion on a continuum from severe restrictiveness to relative liberality. ©Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación, Portal gestionado por la Dirección General de Comunicación, Diplomacia Pública y Redes, Spain on the United Nations Human Rights Council, Spain, on the United Nations Human Rights Council, RT @cristinagallach: Expressed full support to Jean P. @Lacroix_UN of #DPKO for UN leading role in peacekeeping operations,including…, RT @AranchaGlezLaya: We say it in different languages but we mean the same thing: equality matters & we must keep fighting for it #Internat…, RT @GlobalSpain: Nowadays, Spain is an international benchmark in feminism and equality. Eradication of v…, Comment allons-nous le faire? ➡️…, How will we do it? When the people come together to resist oppression and promote human rights, it’s a human rights movement. Violations of children’s rights remain tragically common across the world. Spain is a member of the Council of Europe, the regional organisation that has achieved the highest degree of integration on the matter of the promotion and protection of human rights. Among the most important treaties are the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Social Charter, the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Indigenous Peoples. all human rights bodies; human rights council; universal periodic review; special procedures; treaty bodies; news and events. Bitcoin Is Protecting Human Rights Around the World. ✅ Une approche transformatrice au niveau méthodologique et instituti…, Our #FeministForeignPolicy is based on: Freedom of Speech and Human Rights are taken for granted in the west, but recent years have seen conditions deteriorate around the world. Source: Softpedia Photo: TCN If you continue to use this site, we assume that you are okay with this. But in many countries, people don’t have this right. The annual report was launched in Geneva. It also introduces the world’s most important human rights documents and includes the full text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It hardly deserves the name of a human-rights commission. At present, they are violated by governments that deprive citizens of their liberty without a trial, imprison journalists and prevent the holding of free and fair elections. Human Rights Indicators. Bitcoin has won over some of America’s best-known billionaires, and institutions worldwide are treating it as a serious financial asset. Humanitarian action. At least 20 countries, four in 2015, have now passed laws and/or bills recognizing marriage or other forms of relationships between people of the same sex. The lack of basic human rights around the world: a harrowing reality 79 states criminalise people on the basis of their sexuality or gender identity. Egypt. ➡️ Gender mainstreaming Governments around the world are restricting rights, using the pandemic for cover. Progress continued in some areas, but many people and communities faced grave human rights abuses. 61 or more countries locked up prisoners of conscience – people who were simply exercising their rights and freedoms. Having set the criteria, let’s check out which the worst human rights … Amnesty supporters around the world stood up for LGBTI rights in Russia in reaction to news that gay men were abducted, tortured and killed by a state sponsored campaign in Chechnya. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their … This right gives a human being the freedom to change his or her religion or belief and worship in their way. 122 or more countries tortured or otherwise ill-treated people. Human Rights, WissensWerte, July 2011 This section attempts to highlight some of the gross human rights violations, racial hatred, the effects of media suppression, distortion and bias, that still occur around the world — both near and far from home. Among those topping the list of the world?s worst human rights abusers are Burma, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Libya, North Korea, and Sudan. 11 articles on “Human Rights Issues” and 1 related issue: Human Rights In Various Regions Assign each research group a different set of 3-6 statements from Activity 9 Handout: Rights Around the World. What is Amnesty doing to promote LGBTI rights? Human rights around the world Millions of people demand respect for human rights each day, as recognised in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers. The document outlines the human rights that all people are entitled to such as freedom from torture, freedom of expression, and the right to seek asylum. They have 15-20 minutes to find 2 or more articles from the UDHR that apply to each sentence. At least 113 countries arbitrarily restricted freedom of expression and the press. We are committed to standing up to discrimination against LGBTI people around the world. Progress continued in some areas, but many people and communities faced grave human rights abuses. ✅ A transformative approach at a methodological and institutional level War crimes or other violations of the “laws of war” were carried out in at least 19 countries. At least 55% of countries conducted unfair trials. At least 113 countries arbitrarily restricted freedom of expression and the press. There have been many social movements throughout history centered on issues like segregation, racism, gender inequality, and the rights of indigenous peoples. By The Right Monk on February 5, 2021. It is updated in real time, reflecting changes in national laws so human rights advocates can monitor how countries are protecting—or denying—reproductive rights around the world. In many countries around the world, women are denied their rights on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics. 5 Human Rights Movements Around the World. "It's an escape hatch from tyranny," writes the Human Rights Foundation's Alex Gladstein. ... Victims of human trafficking under 18 years old per 100,000, Male vs. There is no pan-Asian human-rights body. At least 20 countries, four in 2015, have now passed laws and/or bills recognizing marriage or other forms of … World Programme for Human Rights Education (2005-ongoing) Human Rights Indicators. At present, they are violated by governments that deprive citizens of their liberty without a trial, imprison journalists and prevent the holding of free and fair elections. On #WomensDay, as well as advocating how much we…, On #InternationalWomensDay, Ministers signatories of the joint Declaration "Together for a strengthened multilatera…, RT @manuelmunizv: These are excellent news. When a trial is unfair, justice is not served for the accused, the victim of the crime or the public. publications; library; databases around the globe. #Women, #Peace and #Security But variations across countries are large and historically we have seen several forms of violence declining – both suggesting that it is possible to make progress and protect children. A new and strong transatlantic agenda is…, The President of the Republic of #Estonia, @KerstiKaljulaid, will visit Madrid on 8 March, within the framework of…, On travaillera avec des acteurs tels que d'autres Ministères, l'@AECID_es, des organisations liées au @SpainMFA t…, We will act in collaboration with stakeholders such as other Ministries, the @AECID_es, bodies attached to…, Les lignes d'action prioritaires de notre politique étrangère féministe sont: World Report 2020 is Human Rights Watch’s 30th annual review of human rights practices around the globe. As early as 1997 for example, Human Rights conditions were reported to remain unchanged compared to previous years, or in some countries, actually worsen, around the world. Freedom in the World is a yearly survey and report by the U.S.-based and partially U.S. government funded non-governmental organization Freedom House that measures the degree of civil liberties and political rights in every nation and significant related and disputed territories around the world. Now we need to settle the matter for good and move on. 2. “Executions were carried out following grossly unfair trials; Detainees faced torture and other … (UNHCR). An Asean human-rights commission’s remit is diplomacy, not justice. Human rights describe moral norms or moral standards which are understood as inalienable fundamental rights of every human person. In 2015, Amnesty International investigated the human rights situation in 160 countries and territories worldwide. In 2002, as many as 20,000 children were controlled by the LRA. Fight injustice and help create a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. There are currently 28 countries where same-sex marriage is legal: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Uruguay. The Member States and the European External Action Service coordinate their positions on these issues through the Council’s Working Party on Human Rights (COHOM) and the different task forces and COHOM sub-working parties on specific topics. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was established in response to the atrocities during WWII, including the Holocaust. Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 90 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice. ✅…, Par le biais de notre politique étrangère féministe, l'#Espagne place l'égalité des genres au cœur de notre acti…, Voluntary pledges and commitments of Spain for the period 2018-2020, Oportunidades profesionales y de formación, España muestra su compromiso en la lucha contra la trata de personas, Sus Majestades los Reyes presiden la presentación del portal de Becas de la Cooperación Española. But bitcoin’s rising price is only one part of the story. The European Union, committed to defending democracy and human rights, has developed a very ambitious policy degrading the framework of Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). Information in this document is not exhaustive and refers to 160 countries where Amnesty International documented or received information from credible sources on specific human rights violations during 2015 – unless an external source is otherwise stated. investigated the human rights situation in 160 countries, documented or received information from credible sources, #NoBanNoWall Protest Resources & Toolkits.