You have a big smile on your face, Katie. Supporting the role of the other parent in the lives of children. Or we could say, in the mode of giving rewards, “Extra credit for that, Shirley.” Here the focus is not on the quality of the work but on a payment for the work. We recommend you give your first attention to the first eight, each marked with an arrow. Besides, it encourages feelings of the class being one warm community. Thank you very much for showing it to me!” Or, assuming it's honest, “Oh, I really appreciate how carefully you did this drawing.”, I'm with You's: “I can see you are happy with this. I like it when you listen so well to others. Depending on the age and personality of the student and on our individual style, we might use these options: I was amazed at how empty my praise had become. Try to respond to every one of your classmates throughout the course. Well, the best way to be responded to in the discussion forum is by providing good responses to your classmates. There’s much more to acing the interview than knowing how to introduce yourself to a recruiter. It is preferable to model someone who likes to bring joy into others' lives—and not only when it is earned. Silent Responses: (Just note for possible future instruction.). Post a thoughtful, competently written, approximately one-page (about 250 words) response to one of the week’s prompts by 11:00 am on the appropriate day of class. We might instead simply teach the lesson as if it had never been taught before, perhaps as follows: In short, it's often wiser not to point out an error in order to get students to learn. The antidote is to listen carefully and be sure we understand before responding. ), What Makes for Successful Co-Parenting After Divorce? Many students feel alone and essentially inadequate, unknown, isolated. In short, we will often want to show our care for students and to give them our attention. I really appreciate the way you just spoke up for yourself. Response to classmates: Week #6 6 Post #4 Subject: Committed to the institution of slavery Posted by Scott Bynum The demand for cotton around the country and the world became so great that supplying it was impossible without the use of slaves. At My Homework Writers, we have highly qualified academic gurus who will offer great assistance towards completing your essays. And here are two examples of great responses to Adopt-a-Species posts (Chapter 11's), plus an inadequate one. If not, move to the next posting. Classmates post---The relationship between inventory and cost of goods sold by a pharmacy or medical supply business go hand in hand. After you have created your initial post, look over the discussion posts of your classmates, and give at least two responses to different classmates (one per classmate) as outlined in the Discussion Grading Rubric. Description: Expressing ourselves when students spontaneously delight us. No, not at all. This might be done in several ways, but here are two: “Cathy—and everyone in the class—the example mentioned of …” or “Class, what Cathy pointed out in this posting reminds us…” Each of these gives recognition to the student’s posting—crucial in letting the students know that you read each post, and to establishing a stronger individual student-instructor rapport. Also Remember • Answer each part of the discussion prompts; remember to use “who, what, why, when, where, how” in your reply to cover every aspect needed to create a substantive post. 4. I'm like you when it comes to taking the initiative. I like it when you organize your own papers neatly. With, we will help you secure a position at your desired institution. The patient works with a therapist and a group of people whose goal(s) are the same as the patients in treatment. Not only is that less generous, it models manipulation and may well encourage students to try to manipulate others. *My brother did two tours in Iraq, and it has left a lasting impression on him. As such, My Homework Writers professional academic writers ensure that they use the students’ instructions to deliver plagiarism-free papers. In Gale (Ed. Purpose: To avoid having students feel that you do not listen to them. Iowa recently had a case go to the state Supreme Court arguing that Medicaid funds should be able to be used for reassignment surgery as its purpose was for a medical/psychological need. It is the extremes we need to guard against. I really enjoyed it. Also, because we already have asked the question about California, all students have already had a chance to think about it. Not just excellent students, but all students can be successful with such growth. I like it when you ask for help when you need it. Furthermore, it slows down the quick pace that keeps all students actively involved. I, too, sometimes need to pull myself out of daydreaming. 1. 2. There are four components evaluated for each Discussion Post and Response. Chances are if you’re in the same program, you might have multiple courses with them over the next 1 or 2 years. Retrieved August 18, 2020, from, McGhee, C. (2018, September 25). *Social anxiety disorder is the fear of meeting new people or of embarrassing oneself in social situations. When students with such self-definitions do excellent work and we say we are delighted, we risk reinforcing that definition. But, no, the formula for the area of a parallelogram is b times h. An I'm with You is another alternative to praise and rewards. There was a time when I, too, could not get all the courage I wanted. Use descriptive subject lines to make threads easy to follow and scan. Have I proposed a unique perspective that can be challenged by my classmates? Want another hint?” However, this procedure often puts the student on the spot and generates embarrassment, and is therefore not particularly useful for growing dignity. I also feel proud of myself when I go that extra mile. Each response should be a minimum of 50 words. Imagine a young student coming to a teacher with a drawing just completed. When a student answers a question correctly, we might say, if we intended to shower the student with praise, “Very good job, Shirley. It got so the kids would do nothing unless they got a star or candy. You took an interesting approach in your answer when discussing the children observing their teachers and classmates. I love it that you want to be a teacher! You are not alone. The correct answer is, That is a good answer, but it doesn't really apply to this situation. How should we respond after a student correctly answers a question? By using the phrase “Can you ...?” in this way, students are less likely to feel threats to their dignity. Do you have any ideas for your next project?”. Just from $13/Page. Currently, one of the biggest issues would be medical coverage relating to transition services. Even when rewards cannot be distributed equally, we may want to communicate appreciation to everyone, as when we say something like, “I'm proud that one of our own classmates, Nicky, won first prize. We want to avoid pitting one student against another that way. And you can then assess their effectiveness for yourself. My Dashboard; Pages; How to Respond to a Discussion Post; Fall 2015. A brilliant response!” It's that kind of overblown praise that Plain Corrects are meant to replace. Share a related experience or comment on others’ experiences. Description: Offering praise or a reward to the group as a whole. I'm getting a non-praise habit, but slowly. Respond to your classmates’ posts. Compared with praise and rewards, Honest I Appreciates are less likely to be seen as manipulative, judgmental, or mechanical. With that in mind, we may not want to overemphasize the importance of excellent work and underemphasize the importance of simply accepting people as they are. Thank you very much for reading with an open mind. So, before submitting, make sure your discussion post has all the elements to score well. There is no envy. This divorce is only on paper but not a true divorce, trusts and inheritance contracts will make sure that any assets are given to the proper person. I was very happy to see that. By not expecting children to be versed in solving the problems associated with separation and shielding them from negative cross talk about the spouse, parents are able to protect children from the insecurity associated with such a change in family circumstance. It sounds like that was a great day for you. Purpose: To encourage a group without slighting any student and to develop a close community in the classroom. Home; Modules; Syllabus; Quizzes; Assignments; Library; Academic Success Center In the same way that your own posts should be substantive, response posts should be meaningful and advance the discussion of the issues, ideas, questions that were raised in the initial posts. Is the client a man or woman and is the help more biased towards a man or have the proper treatments also been thought out for a woman? It's a pleasure for me to work with you. I like it when you call on your ability to persist when you need it. We might say. Even though that material was hard, you folks stuck with it. Does the client have physical ailments, along with mental health issues? That is often valuable for students with a shaky self-confidence. I could tell you weren't sure and yet you gave it a try. Learn more about our permissions policy and submit your request online. This is known as a Medicaid divorce, if the two did not then all the assets they have saved up IE retirement and savings would be drained and both would be left penniless and If they had children they would be left with possible debt. Description: Simply giving time and attention to a student, as by listening carefully. I understand how you felt about cleaning up a mess you didn't make. I only wished I'd realized it sooner. After writing your post, review your ideas by asking yourself: Is my main idea clear and relevant to the topic of discussion? Three symptoms of PTSD may include trouble sleeping, nightmares, and severe headaches. Thank you very much for bringing your attention back when it drifted. Am I right? 1703 North Beauregard St. In addition, you can provide specific guidelines: 1. Every week you will be asked to reflect on and respond to at least one Discussion Board question and post your contribution to the topic on the Discussion Board. You can model proper online interaction and reinforce appropriate behavior with public recognition. I, too, sometimes do not manage myself as well as I want to. We will guide you on how to write an outstanding portfolio or resume. In solid, accepting relationships, people usually do not mind having someone point out a few of their mistakes. They aim to give students supportive feedback and encouragement while avoiding problems of addiction, unfairness, manipulation, or puffery. Fill in the order form and provide all details of your assignment. Module 7: Social Justice for LGBTQIA+ (graded) to the initial post. We call these Spontaneous Delights. That is a good answer, but it doesn't really apply to this situation. Individual therapy. Being willing to express such reactions is part of being genuine, and, we believe, teachers should be genuine. Sometimes we must look twice to see what needs to be done, don't we? Good courage. I would feel the same way if I did that drawing.” Or “You look uncertain about your drawing, Katie. I used to give rewards for everything. What a wonderful life I've had! Ensuring that there is absolute neutrality and mutual respect for each adult mitigates the risk of corrupting the relationship between family and social worker. This group is making good progress. constructively - just like construction, you’re building upon a post. Our customer support works around the clock to provide students with assistance or guidance at any time of the day. We thereby balance any disappointment the student might feel with some positive feedback. These writers undergo further training to sharpen their writing skills, making them more competent in writing academic papers. All you need to do is provide us with all the necessary requirements of the paper and wait for quality results. Consider discussing how the success factors described by your classmates compare to your own. Thanks for that. The intent is simply to express spontaneous joy. However, when unsure, choose the Silent Response to Errors. A class party on Friday because of diligent work all week often falls into this category. Such attention makes them feel worthy and, presumably, motivates them to work harder and behave better. When the finished products are sold they move from the inventory warehouse and will be recognized as a cost when it is shipped to the business, as that happens it will become cost of goods sold. My brother was and is, experiencing flashbacks, nightmares, panic attacks, anger flare-ups, etc. Follow these simple steps to get your paper done. Every claim you make needs to be backed by strong evidence and examples. Just because it’s a discussion post doesn’t mean it should be messy. N.D) Not all states allow a Medicaid divorce because they go back 5 years of what you had in assist joint or individual to be eligible for coverage. The examples presented here illustrate how we can use Honest I Appreciates and I'm with You's for that purpose. You've probably heard stories of outstanding high school students who went to top colleges and attempted suicide after discovering they could no longer produce outstanding work. Parental estrangement is detrimental and harmful to children and should not play a role in separation or divorce unless there is threatened or actual violence. I, too, sometimes wonder about my feelings. Boyle's Law does deal with the expansion of gasses.” This gives us a chance to reinforce the learning. *Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a generalized panic or anxiety due to witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. Unable to get negative things out of your mind, and it results in an anxiety attack. To help students understand your expectations, establish discussion etiquette immediately. Our pricing system generates quotations based on the properties of individual papers. 1703 North Beauregard St. No one is left out. We recommend against making group praise or rewards contingent on student behavior. I, too, must sometimes remind myself not to be negative. Often the professor offers little guidance on what information to share. Subscribe to ASCD Express, our free email newsletter, to have practical, actionable strategies and information delivered to your email inbox twice a month. Purpose: To acknowledge students' efforts. Description: Noticing an error or problem and leaving until later a consideration of what, if anything, to do about it. Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look there. I think I know how you felt when you insisted on your rights. Retrieved August 18, 2020, from • Agree or disagree with the post and explain why you agree or disagree. With, every student is guaranteed high-quality, professionally written papers. You may recall from Chapter 1 the student motives represented by the acronym DESCA—students' natural desire to live with personal dignity, sustained energy, appropriate self-management, healthy community, and open-minded awareness. This will help preserve your time for the questions which truly require your individual attention. Perhaps that is why adults naturally smile at young children. You might want to imagine yourself using some of these responses. Purpose: To inform students that an answer is incorrect without adding distracting emotions. You all are working so well together! Consider these teacher comments to a student and the effect they might have: What is the formula for the area of a parallelogram? Professionalism of Writing /5. The patient works with a therapist to understand how their thoughts affect their symptoms. Follow our successful interview tips. 2. Please use adjectives like those on the board. That is what will make teaching easiest for us and learning richest for students. We do well to accept such times as a natural part of the learning process and refrain from correcting all student misunderstandings on the spot.