Gender equality is not a dream. Gender equality is part of the solution to many of the world’s most complex issues. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Singapore face challenges not faced by non-LGBT people. "+arr_2203[index_2203%arr_2203.length]).show();};function ShowHide_Prev2203(){ jQuery(". More change is yet to come as Singapore’s population ages, adding elderly care to the list of barriers keeping Singaporean women from participating fully in the workforce. In particular, we have been very outspoken about a rash of sexual assault cases where the male perpetrators appear to have been let off relatively lightly. But between entry level and the C suite, the percentage of female employees more than halves, while male representation jumps by 27%. Singaporean women are still espoused with more caregiving and households responsibilities, which are frequently associated with the many issues mentioned above. While the Philippines and Singapore can certainly learn from each other, the larger issue of gender inequality in Southeast Asia must not be ignored. They are also more likely to be unemployed, underemployed, or excluded from the workforce than their male counterparts. Singapore Exchange (SGX) has been on the list for two years while telco Singtel and bank UOB Group have been on for three consecutive years. These issues are further amplified when it comes to vulnerable minority groups such as single mothers, LBT groups and women with disabilities. SINGAPORE: Achieving gender equality requires a “deep mindset change” as well as changes to Singapore's cultural value system, said Law and Home Affairs Minister K. … Just as is the case in the vast majority of countries around the world, the average woman working in Singapore earns less money than the average man who works there. var index_2197=0;var arr_2197=[];arr_2197.push('cont_2197_0');arr_2197.push('cont_2199_0');jQuery('.cont_2199_0').hide();arr_2197.push('cont_2201_0');jQuery('.cont_2201_0').hide(); function HideAll_Except2197(cls){for(var i=0;i