Called "liberal constitution" (as opposed to 1833 text), its ideologist was José Joaquín de Mora, joined with Santiago Concha. The 1980 Chilean constitution entrenched economic inequalities by putting the private sector in control of health, education, housing, and pensions. Eager for change, Chile faces long road to new constitution The fireworks and street celebrations are over in Chile, and now many months of hard work and … Chile's Congress has reached an agreement to reform the country's constitution in an effort to restore peace after weeks of violent protests that have led to the deaths of at least 20 people. Campaigning for next month’s referendum on changing Chile’s dictatorship-era constitution began on Wednesday, more than four months after an outbreak of unrest that triggered the ballot. Celebrations break out across the capital, as 78% of Chileans vote in favour of constitution change Mar.02 -- Chile's Finance Minister Rodrigo Cerda discusses upcoming constitutional changes in the country with Bloomberg's Shery Ahn. Constitution of Chile (1828). Tomás Hirsch, independent Chilean parliamentarian, founder of Acción Humanista and two-times candidate for the Presidency of the Republic of Chile, explains how the Yes to the referendum on 25 October could run into traps that could affect the process of rewriting the Chilean Constitution. Oct 27, 2020 7:02 PM EST SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — The fireworks and street celebrations are over in Chile… This text was used as a model for the subsequent constitutions. But in addition to a constitution with different content, Chile needs a constitution created through a process that involves citizen participation. This will be the first opportunity in our history for citizens to decide if and how a new constitution will be drawn up. Martin Bernetti/AFP via Getty Images A tale of 2 Chiles. The current Constitution of Chile was approved by Chilean voters in a controversial plebiscite on September 11, 1980, under the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. It was partially enacted on March 11, 1981 and has been fully effective since March 11, 1990. More than 14 million Chileans will go to the polls April 26 determine the idea of creating a new Constitution. SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — The fireworks and street celebrations are over in Chile, and now many months of hard work and uncertainty loom for a population impatient for change. After a referendum, the country will rewrite the charter to make a more equal society. Augusto Pinochet came into power in Chile through a coup d’état in 1973, and eventually wrote the new constitution in 1980. Citizens of Chile will vote Oct. 25 on a referendum that may clear the way for a re-write of the country’s constitution, a key demand stemming from a period of civil unrest in late 2019. Chile, a model of the free market, is South America’s wealthiest nation per capita. Chile voted for a new constitution to replace the dictatorship-era 1980 constitution, a symbol to many of Augusto Pinochet's brutal regime and deep inequality. For example, Chile is the only country in the world whose constitution has enshrined the private ownership of water. Why Chile’s New Constitution Is a Feminist Victory Activists built on years of organizing to achieve a groundbreaking gender-parity requirement in the … The 1980 Constitution has undergone several changes since it was drafted behind closed doors by a Pinochet-appointed commission. Chile’s constitution was written by a dictator. Supporters of changing the constitution point to the fact that it was written during the dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet and therefore it’s tainted with his bloody rule. Santiago, Chile – Protesters in Chile expressed scepticism on Monday over the government’s announcement it would take steps to change the country’s dictatorship-era constitution… And an election next month for a convention to change Chile’s old constitution could boost … , … SANTIAGO DE CHILE, Chile. Chile’s constitutional referendum last month was its most important vote since the country transitioned to democracy in 1989. But in Chile, instead of incremental changes or incremental reforms, they really kind of went for it. In October last year, the Changos won recognition. One of Latin America’s most affluent nations, and also one haunted by social and economic inequality, plans to draft a new constitution to replace the charter introduced during military rule decades ago. On Oct. 25 Chile will decide whether to replace its dictatorship-era constitution with a new one written wholly by the Chilean people. Though preparatory efforts for the Rockefeller Center’s “Academic Forum for the New Constitution in Chile” began in September 2019, it officially launched with a webinar on Dec. 2, 2020. Chile's Constitution Process Will Be Good for Country, Says Finance Minister March 2nd, 2021, 9:47 PM GMT+0000 Chile's Finance Minister Rodrigo Cerda discusses upcoming constitutional changes … ‘Chile Decided’ for change. The most significant shift, in … Chile has voted overwhelmingly in favor of rewriting the country’s constitution to replace guiding principles imposed four decades ago under the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Eager for change, Chile faces long road to new constitution Politics. After 90.78% of the vote was counted, 78.24% cast to change the constitution that was bequeathed by the Pinochet dictatorship, with 21.76% voting against. Supporters of “approval” say that Chile’s development has generated persistent levels of inequality and that the current Constitution of 1980 prevents any substantial change in the system developed under the military regime – which prioritizes private goods and privileged access for income to health. by Cecilia Capanna . Chile votes overwhelmingly to rewrite constitution from Pinochet dictatorship. Chile Votes to Change Pinochet-Era Constitution Referendum sets in motion a two-year process to draft a new charter in Chile. SANTIAGO: Chile has announced it will move to draft a new constitution and replace one dating back to the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship - a key demand of … After postponement, a referendum was finally held on the Chilean constitution on 25 October and resulted in a crushing majority in favour of change. Protests that erupted across Chile exactly two months ago have taken a dramatic turn: The government has agreed to a vote next April on possible changes to the Chilean Constitution … The vote shows how protests can change … Chile's President Sebastian Piñera hailed the results of a national referendum held to scrap a dictatorship-era constitution as a "triumph" for democracy. Chile’s current constitution was drafted in 1980 during a free market revolution under Pinochet’s 1973-1990 rule.