This stretch of road – which is 113km long – is dangerous and eats tyres for breakfast. As many of you know, I recently attended Afrikaburn, the second largest gathering around Burning Man culture, out in the remote desert of South Africa. The event site – Stonehenge Private Reserve – is approximately 300km north of Cape Town and located on the longest stretch of road in South Africa without mobile phone signal, petrol stations or nearby assistance. 122 talking about this. Rad Season is providing you with hotels and Airbnbs at the lowest prices available online. This is the most accurate forecast (taken from a neighbouring farm’s weather station). Afrikaburn International. Driver licensing contacts. Orly Maya - Decompress 6,603 3. 10km before you reach Touwsrivier, 160km from Cape Town, take the LEFT onto the R46, towards Ceres. We might not be able to gather in large numbers to do the thing we do - but that doesn't mean that we can't still connect and express our culture. 2020 Theme. AfrikaBurn is an annual event that takes place in April at the Tankwa Karoo National Park in South Africa. I Love Cookies. South Africa Cape Town. (Let's be honest, if you haven't been accosted by millions of my photos on your feed yet, I commend you). The site of the event is alongside the Tankwa Karoo National Park, is approximately 300 kilometers north of Cape Town and is located on the longest stretch of road in South Africa without petrol stations or nearby assistance. Do not turn off to the Tankwa Karoo National Park. In keeping with the rocky environment, the roads travelled to reach Tankwa Town are hard going and become treacherously dangerous at high speeds. Refunding tickets without insurance payout will mean the end of Afrikaburn, so just bear that in mind. Take part in a culturally diverse experience that highlights unboundaried art creation through the celebration of life, love and unity. The​ ​Tankwa​ ​Karoo​ ​is​ ​a​ ​desert​ ​location​ ​in​ ​the​ ​Northern​ ​Cape​ ​Province​ ​of​ ​South​ ​Africa.​ ​The actual​ ​event​ ​site​ ​is​ ​located​ ​300km​ ​north​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Cape​ ​on​ ​South​ ​Africa’s​ ​longest​ ​stretch​ ​of​ ​road. To do any of those, you'll need to register a Burner Bio - or, if you already have one, check your details and update them if need be. Take​ ​part​ ​in​ ​a​ ​culturally diverse​ ​experience​ ​that​ ​highlights​ ​unboundaried​ ​art​ ​creation​ ​through​ ​the​ ​celebration​ ​of​ ​life,​ ​love and​ ​unity.​ ​The​ ​event​ ​has​ ​taken​ ​place​ ​since​ ​2007​ ​and​ ​continues​ ​to​ ​grow​ ​with​ ​the​ ​latest​ ​festival reaching​ ​a​ ​crowd​ ​of​ ​13,000. Turn left here onto the gravel road to Ceres. The AfrikaBurn 2020 Necklace . At our 2020 event, we’ll have the opportunity to say goodbye to the event site (Stonehenge Private Reserve) that’s been our home for the past 13 years, and thank the owners of that property that have been with us on this journey since 2007 and have opened their home and hearts to us over the years. This is the unofficial page for international visitors to Afrikaburn, a Burning Man regional in South Africa. Identification (ID) card. AfrikaBurn takes place in the Tankwa Karoo, an arid semi-desert area located in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. Stay on the R355, until you see a T-junction up ahead with signs pointing right to AfrikaBurn / Stonehenge Private Reserve. Instead of an event wristband we want to gift all of you a necklace! Each​ ​year,​ ​​ ​AfrikaBurn​ ​adopts​ ​a​ ​new​ ​theme​ ​that​ ​embodies​ ​the​ ​inspiration​ ​of​ ​the​ ​event’s artwork.​ ​However,​ ​the​ ​theme​ ​is​ ​not​ ​enforced​ ​and​ ​the​ ​rules​ ​of​ ​the​ ​event​ ​are​ ​quite​ ​simple. How​ ​many​ ​people​ ​will​ ​be​ ​attending​ ​the​ ​event​ ​with​ ​you?​ ​After​ ​purchasing​ ​your​ ​ticket,​ ​head​ ​over​ ​to the​ ​Tankwa​ ​National​ ​Park​ ​and​ ​let​ ​go​ ​of​ ​reality​ ​during​ ​this​ ​ultimate​ ​art​ ​festival. Suggest an edit. The following is from the Afrikaburn website: The aims of the experiment are up to you: cast off the norm and engage in a spirit of exploration. Drive through Calvinia and about 2 km outside of town you’ll see a sign ‘Ceres R355’. AfrikaBurn 2016 - X - The Unofficial After-Movie. See all. AfrikaBurn is an official Burning Man regional event, held annually at Stonehenge Private … Another​ ​cornerstone​ ​to​ ​this​ ​distinct​ ​event​ ​is​ ​the​ ​burning​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Clan​ ​sculpture.​ ​It​ ​is​ ​the​ ​physical representation​ ​of​ ​the​ ​spirit​ ​of​ ​AfrikaBurn​ ​and​ ​is​ ​made​ ​up​ ​of​ ​one​ ​torso,​ ​several​ ​heads​ ​and​ ​many legs.​ ​The​ ​design​ ​serves​ ​as​ ​a​ ​visual​ ​indication​ ​of​ ​unity​ ​for​ ​the​ ​festival’s​ ​members. Cape Town Training Dates 2020 (unless otherwise specified, Ranger trainings are at AfrikaBurn offices – Junction Hotel, 8 Junction Road, Salt River, Cape Town) 25th January (9am – 3pm) 22nd February (9am – 3pm) 14th March (9am – 3pm) 4th April (9am – 3pm) 18th … At the T-junction turn RIGHT onto the tyre-munching R355 towards Calvinia and Sutherland. Tell me more. The aim of the app is to encourage community participation by providing information about each of the amazing Afrikaburn 2020 projects. Rad Season. Have you subscribed to our Newsletter or Podcast? Tankwa Karoo, an arid semi-desert area located in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa The sounds of tinkering and cursing catch the wind; you hear the hiss of gas escaping, and the fizzle of a spent squab. For more road info, check out our Survival Guide. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The environment is harsh: very dry and hot during the day and at times bitterly cold at night. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Excursion, News By Kevin Rack 5 Feb 2020 Leave a comment AfrikaBurn continues to deliver jaw-dropping life-altering moments for me, whether it’s at Stonehenge Private Reserve during the Burn, road tripping Blank Canvas Express or visiting the new land. 470 likes. This year's Afrika Burn festival has just concluded in the Karoo Desert in South Africa. AfrikaBurn Featured in. Afrikaburn 2020 cancelled Over the years, a few of the immediate CN&CO team and many of our friends have been to AfrikaBurn as well as Burningman in the United States. At this point, you’re about 2kms from the turn off to the venue. Afrikaburn 2020 theme: Afroboratory. Turn right and follow the road to Die Hek, our event gate. AfrikaBurn Vehicle Guide [2020] What is AfrikaBurn? Plan ahead: Book your perfect trip with our South Africa travel guide and destination information. Take note: This is the last time you will have phone signal until you get back to this spot – this includes at the event. Welcome Home. Please note: the following directions are just a few of the ways to reach our event. Approximately 100m on, you’ll hit the dirt. Stay on the R355 towards Calvinia (Don’t turn right to Sutherland, unless you like large radio telescopes). 2020 Theme - AfrikaBurn. Find a training/testing location to: Schedule a driving test. AfrikaBurn Vehicle Guide [2020] What is AfrikaBurn? DO NOT DRIVE AT HIGH SPEED. AfrikaBurn is the kind of experience that truly gives meaning to the expression ‘a picture tells a thousand words’. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SPARE TYRES BEFORE HITTING THE ROAD. It​ ​centers​ ​around​ ​the​ ​gift​ ​of giving​ ​which​ ​is​ ​made​ ​possible​ ​through​ ​a​ ​wide​ ​array​ ​of​ ​artwork.​ ​Attendees​ ​are​ ​known​ ​to​ ​dress​ ​in elaborate​ ​costumes​ ​as​ ​they​ ​enjoy​ ​music​ ​and​ ​performances​ ​inside​ ​a​ ​temporary​ ​city​ ​of​ ​art. AfrikaBurn 2020. Tankwa​ ​International​ ​Airport​ ​is​ ​the​ ​closest​ ​major​ ​landing​ ​zone​ ​if​ ​traveling​ ​from​ ​other​ ​parts​ ​of​ ​the world.​ ​. Click here to see Tankwa Town on Google Maps, GPS CO-ORDINATES: 32°20’08.2″S 19°44’89.3″E. AfrikaBurn is an annual gathering of thousands of like-minded creatives who come together for seven days to create unique art, burn visually-stunning structures, dress up in quirky costumes and so much more – … There’s an app for everything. Nice, isn’t it? Event​ ​organizers​ ​encourage​ ​participants​ ​to​ ​celebrate​ ​with​ ​transparency.​ ​The​ ​AfrikaBurn​ ​does not​ ​have​ ​any​ ​vendors,​ ​branding,​ ​sponsors​ ​or​ ​anything​ ​for​ ​purchase.​ ​. Dates April 27–May 3, 2020. Register a Theme Camp, Artwork, Mutant Vehicle or Performance? Something wrong? This road continues for approximately 40kms and ends in a T-junction. South​ ​Africa​ ​offers​ ​dozens​ ​of​ ​outdoor​ ​activities​ ​to​ ​experience​ ​during​ ​all​ ​times​ ​of​ ​the​ ​year. Take the N1 South to Bloemfontein/Cape Town. If you need to fill up on fuel, do so – Worcester or Touwsrivier are your last chances. Here,​ ​you​ ​can​ ​dive​ ​into​ ​shark-infested​ ​waters,​ ​cable-car​ ​up​ ​Table​ ​Mountain​ ​and​ ​enjoy​ ​exquisite South​ ​African​ ​eats.​ ​There are loads of rad things to​ ​Cape​ ​Town​ ​either​ ​before​ ​or after​ ​your​ Burn​ ​experience! The name of the property is Quaggafontein and Vaalfontein (ie: the whole of the property consists of two parts, once used as sheep farms), which is located 30 km southeast of Stonehenge Private Reserve as the crow flies, below Skoorsteenberg mountain. This road is the R355, which connects the towns Ceres in the south and Calvinia in the north. Listen to us on Apple Podcast and Spotify and follow us on Facebook, Instagram  Twitter and YouTube. App contains information about Afrikaburn projects and the event itself. Powlina - Live @ AfrikaBurn eCompression 538 4. Check the visa requirements before you get caught up during your travel. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Take a knowledge test. At Harrismith, take the N5 via Bethlehem to Winberg, where you join the N1 and follow this to Bloemfontein. Take the N3 out of town, and head to Harrismith. If you’re not covered for your trip yet, get your quote here. Book your stay for AfrikaBurn 2020 using the map below! As​ ​previously​ ​mentioned,​ ​the​ ​AfrikaBurn​ ​is​ ​a​ ​self-sufficient​ ​event.​ ​There​ ​are​ ​no​ ​hotels​ ​or​ ​lodging options​ ​nearby,​ ​meaning​ ​you​ ​will​ ​need​ ​to​ ​bring​ ​all​ ​camping​ ​equipment​ ​necessary​ ​for​ ​the​ ​event. There are no shops after Calvinia. The work hasn’t been a walk in the park, and anyone who participated in our earliest events in the Tankwa in 2007 and 2008 would be able to testify to just how intense the heat and wind of the Tankwa can be in summertime – but thanks to a lot of pre-planning, most everything has run according to plan, and we’re now happy to say that the first big steps have been accomplished smoothly. Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off Rad Season helps you discover events, book event tickets, accommodation, travel and connect with other rad people all on one site! Bring everything: It​ ​is​ ​important​ ​to​ ​understand​ ​that​ ​this​ ​is​ ​a​ ​self-sufficient​ ​event,​ ​meaning​ ​you​ ​must​ ​bring​ ​what​ ​is necessary​ ​to​ ​survive.​ ​Conditions​ ​may​ ​be​ ​brutal,​ ​ranging​ ​from​ ​cold​ ​nights​ ​to​ ​little​ ​shade​ ​during the​ ​day.​ ​Make​ ​sure​ ​to​ ​check​ ​out​ ​AfrikaBurn’s​ ​​preparation​​ ​page​ ​to​ ​ensure​ ​you​ ​have​ ​a​ ​grand​ ​ol’ time. How to stay safe during AfrikaBurn 2020? You’re in the desert out in the darkness under a star-swept sky. Hopefully you can use the app to appreciate the art and get more involved! The lessons learnt and the relationships built during these experiences have had a phenomenal influence on people in our network. Turn left here. Stay safe: Even the best-laid plans can head south. Spend money wisely: Take public transport and dine in from time to time are common saving tips during traveling. Thereafter follow the directions listed for Bloemfontein. Dolbytall - Dolbytall - AfrikaBurn 2020 E-Compression Downtempo Mix 1,369 2. AfrikaBurn 2020 Canceled:​ ​A​ ​Community​ ​of​ ​Creative​ ​Expression AfrikaBurn​ ​is​ ​an​ ​annual​ ​event​ ​that​ ​takes​ ​place​ ​in​ ​April​ ​at​ ​the​ ​Tankwa​ ​Karoo​ ​National​ ​Park​ ​in South​ ​Africa.​ ​It​ ​is​ ​a​ ​Burning​ ​Man​ ​regional​ ​event​ ​that​ ​is​ ​open​ ​to​ ​all.​ ​ Take​ ​part​ ​in​ ​a​ ​culturally diverse​ ​experience​ ​that​ ​highlights​ ​unboundaried​ ​art​ ​creation​ ​through​ ​the​ ​celebration​ […], AfrikaBurn​ ​is​ ​an​ ​annual​ ​event​ ​that​ ​takes​ ​place​ ​in​ ​April​ ​at​ ​the​ ​Tankwa​ ​Karoo​ ​National​ ​Park​ ​in South​ ​Africa.​ ​It​ ​is​ ​a​ ​Burning​ ​Man​ ​regional​ ​event​ ​that​ ​is​ ​open​ ​to​ ​all.​ ​. Make​ ​sure​ ​to​ ​bring​ ​plenty​ ​of​ ​water​ ​for​ ​drinking,​ ​cleaning​ ​and​ ​washing​ ​as​ ​hydration​ ​will​ ​be​ ​vital​ ​to your​ ​experience. AfrikaBurn is an annual gathering of thousands of like-minded creatives who come together for seven days to create unique art, burn visually-stunning structures, dress up in quirky costumes and so much more – … In addition to the theme camps, each year the entire event itself has a theme. Apply for a Creative, Mutant, Tech or Spark Grant? Last updated: Sep 20, 2019. South Africa's Burning Man regional. Share. AfrikaBurn takes place in the Tankwa Karoo, an arid semi-desert area located in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. AfrikaBurn 2020 Canceled: A Community of Creative Expression. If​ ​you​ ​are​ ​driving​ ​on​ ​this path,​ ​make​ ​sure​ ​to​ ​watch​ ​your​ ​speed​ ​as​ ​the​ ​dry​ ​desert​ ​pavement​ ​will​ ​eat​ ​away​ ​at​ ​your​ ​tires. Watch up ahead for a T-junction – you’ll see a Stonehenge Private Reserve / AfrikaBurn farm sign. Though not far from its current home, the new venue lies just 30 kms south-east from the Stoney, just below the Northern Cape border with the Western Cape. The 2020 Afrikaburn theme is AFROBORATORY. National​ ​parks,​ ​botanical​ ​gardens​ ​and​ ​other​ ​various​ ​natural​ ​locations​ ​populate​ ​the​ ​tip​ ​of​ ​the continent.​ ​Cape​ ​Town​ ​is​ ​the​ ​closest​ ​area​ ​to​ ​AfrikaBurn​ ​with​ ​the​ ​most​ ​attractions. 2020 tickets will not be redeemable in 2021, because the event has been cancelled not postponed – the next event will be at our new location, Quaggafontein. AfrikaBurn View Map About Since we announced that our main annual 2020 event was cancelled, numerous members of our community have expressed solidarity for our decision, and have enquired about ways to support AfrikaBurn so that it can continue to do the work it does in the world. Website maintained by The AfrikaBurn ICT Team |. Join the art community for an unforgettable annual meeting and be prepared to find the new worlds! The idea is that you can find information such as the artist manifesto, project website, collective etc. Take the N8 to Kimberley and then continue along the N12 to Victoria West. Instruction permit. People interested +18. No​ ​money​ ​is​ ​allowed. (want a printable version of this map? Make use of technology. It is accessed by taking the R354 turnoff from the R355, and travelling in an easterly direction. For info about flying into AfrikaBurn, please visit this page. Discover the world’s best adventure and action sports events and festivals. Travel on the R63 through Victoria West and follow the road and signs to Calvinia. Ticket​ ​sales​ ​for​ ​the​ ​event​ ​will​ ​open​ ​in​ ​November​ ​and​ ​can​ ​be​ ​purchased​ ​from​ ​their​ event​ ​page online.​ ​Different​ ​options​ ​are​ ​available​ ​for​ ​purchase​ ​depending​ ​on​ ​your​ ​financial​ ​situation​. In the spirit of this year‘s theme - Afroboratory - we're trying something new in 2020. At AfrikaBurn’s main event next year, all will bid farewell to the beloved Stoney- and in 2021 Tankwa Town will rise from the dust of its new home at Quaggafontein Farm in the Tankwa Karoo. Calvinia is the last place where you can get supplies (water, gas, petrol, etc), so if you need them, get them. Do NOT drive faster that 70km per hour under any circumstances, or in any vehicle, at any time along this gravel road! Furthermore, the​ ​event’s​ ​members​ ​are​ ​urged​ ​to​ ​read​ ​and​ ​follow​ ​the​ 1​​1​ ​principles​ ​​during​ ​their​ ​time​ ​at AfrikaBurn.​ ​They​ ​include​ ​philosophical​ ​guidelines​ ​that​ ​share​ ​the​ ​wealth​ ​of​ ​self-expression, self-reliance​ ​and​ ​knowledge​ ​throughout​ ​the​ ​community. With history, events, statistics, government and departments. Buy tickets? Lectric Licks - Afrikaburn 2020 D(E)-Compression 3,500 5. Switch it off and forget about it. Here you’re able to browse photos and videos from previous years to get an idea of the colourful, vibrant and extraordinary creativity that grows each year in Tankwa Town. PLEASE BE AWARE: OUR EVENT IS NOT IN THE TANKWA KAROO NATIONAL PARK. Anyway, you may know that I went, you may have seen some crazy photos, and you may know a thing or two about what Afrikaburn was. AfrikaBurn 2020 \ Airspace AfrikaBurn Namakwa, South Africa Get Directions Get Directions With our 2020 event not feasible under the present circumstances, our team’s energies and thinking are now turned towards the future – and for AfrikaBurn, that points in one direction: Quaggafontein, which will be the new home of our event from 2021. You pass a settlement called Tweefontein and a small white bridge crossing the Tankwa River bed. Subscribe for the latest action sports, adventure, crazy carnivals and music festivals, news, travel tips and giveaways! Click and download the PDF). Does South Africa require a visa? Traveling to Afrikaburn is quite different than traveling to any other festival, because you can’t quite just buy a ticket and ‘go’ on your own, and experience it like any other festival. Travel carefully along the R355 for approximately 100 kms. “Ex Afrika semper aliquid novi” (“out of Africa, always something new”) – Pliny The Elder. The​ ​road​ ​known​ ​as​ ​R355​ ​connects​ ​the​ ​towns​ ​of​ ​Calvinia​ ​and​ ​Ceres.​ ​. Stay on the N1 through Colesburg, Hanover and Richmond. battleface can help you stay safe in dangerous or hostile situations as well as that epic road trip or catching a few waves. How to spend money wisely in South Africa? They’re presented as the safest, most popular routes, but are not the only routes. SLOW DOWN. More on the 2020 theme here. It’s a long road, take in the view and read the signs. Round about now, you lose cellphone signal. 0. Take the N1 North, passing Paarl, Worcester and De Doorns. Turn right into the R63 at Victoria West (T junction), thereafter follow the directions listed above for Johannesburg from Victoria West onward. Visit a driver licensing office to renew, replace or apply for a: Driver license. The best and most unique action sports and adventure events in South Africa. In that burns are completely put on by their participants, have no money or stores at all, and don't have workers there to set everything up for you, it's much more of meticulous process to get to. From Richmond travel 64 kms on the N1 and turn right onto the R63 to Victoria West. Fantastic, marvellous, wonderful and lekker! visit the SA Government COVID-19 website. Sign up for more news about AfrikaBurn 2020. It is a Burning Man regional event that is open to all.