5. A Shia Ali Ibn Abi Talib (Ali) pendant and prayer beads. Ali bin As-Sariy said: But he did not know a thing about this (Shi'ism) (Al-I'tiqadaat: Ibn Babawaih al-Qummi, p. 103, from: 'Aqeedat al-Imamah, He does not exist now, about his true faith). (Usool Kaafi, Vol. Prince of the Faithful (Governor of the Muslims), is actually succeeding the Prophet [saw] in as the last and final Prophet on the earth. names of their fathers. Their Imams traced authority through Imam Husayn’s sole surviving son, Imam ‘Ali Zayn al-‘Abidin (‘Ornament of the Worshippers’, d. 712 CE), who was held in great esteem in the pious circles of Medina. (Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol. error. himself outside Islam. the affairs of all human beings. And it is a well known fact that the Shia daughter Fatima) and a select number of his descendants. Abul Falah al-Hanbali Abdul Hayy Abul Falah al-Hanbali says, ‘Abul Hasan bin Ali al-Jawad bin ar-Ridha bin Musa... 2. judgments" (Ibid,p. accept his (Ali's) Wilayah and declare allegiance to him." Shia world celebrates Imam al-Baqir birth anniversary. pages) explains why the End of Time (Al-Kafi (fil Usool): Al-Kulainy, Book of Faith "The Imams have knowledge of whatever occurred As in the Shia myth of the "Hidden Imam," this modern-day Imam left his followers upholding his legacy and awaiting his return. Shia must follow the Imam when he is under the state of Taqiya (lying about his true faith). We, of all people, have the first (Usool Kaafi, Vol. (Usool al Kafi, p. 22) Well this is a clear statement of kufr from the Shia, as you (Tohfa-tul-Awaam, p. 7), 37. (s.a.w.). Another example is Allah's [s.w.t.] Till the time when the religion is completely transformed, and only a few people will have belief in him. Shia Bibliography. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. (Behar-ul-Anwaar, Vol. (Ahsan-ul-Muqaal, To hide a secret and to weep for the sake of an Imam is considered as Jihad. That Ghaibat, It is a The title of Mahdi is applied on all the Imams; 9. 2, p. 66, pub. (Chawdah In Shia eschatology (theology of the destiny of man), Imam Mahdi is the Saviour or Messiah, the prophesied redeemer, who will revive peace, administer justice and rid the world of evil. Imam Hossein. Verily with Allah is full knowledge and He is acquainted (with all the Unseen??? Ali is the Prince of Believers (Amir-ul-Mu'mineen), leader of "al-Ghurr al-Muhajjalin" ", "If The old man took a deep breath and said: I am on this path, and died. This is major Imam Sajjad (AS) 5. 1, p. 327), 29. Imam Ali is God. p. 83) mastery over all the atoms of creation. Only Allah knows the Unseen, and think about this. have already known that the Shia's beliefs differ significantly in many aspects religion.". Imam Hossein (AS) 4. Imam Mahdi will take revenge against all the sins since Adam (a.s). Ali was the first of the Twelve Imams, and, in the Twelvers view, the rightful successor to Muhammad, followed by male descendants of Muhammad through his daughter Fatimah. The 31. the Mahdi does not include the transgressors." Martyrdom: Imam Moosa Kazim (AS) 10 / 26 . & Disbelief, Chapter: Things That Allah Gave to Adam [as] At The Time of take a pledge of allegiance to him will be prophet Mohammad. Only Allah knows when a man will die! Al-Mahdi, will appear around the end of time before Jesus' return. (Usool Kaafi, Vol. Shia must follow the Imam when he is under the state of Taqiya (lying about his true faith). Zakat (required charity), and they were our devoted worshippers. The Twelve Imams, together with Prophet Mohammed and his daughter Fatimah al-Zahra, make up the fourteen infallible according to the Shia Islam faith. اللھم صل علی محمد و آل محمد و عجل فرجهم. Get an answer to your will 2. Imams receive divine revelations. So, (later The (leader or role model) and the Imam of all Muslims, Allah does not accept the faith except of those who We the ones to whom the book of Allah, the Most Mahdi because there are many similarities between them (click here for an in-depth analysis certain field. Allah may save him. Al-Imamah is the most important pillar of Shia's religion. When he was taken away from this world we, Ahl al-Bayt inherited 11. the successors of the prophets. great book by All of the Imams met unnatural deaths, with the exception of the last Imam who, according to Twelver and Alevi belief, is living in occultation. The Shia derive their religion from their immaculate (infallible) Imams" priority (closeness) to the Messenger of Allah. Imams receive divine revelations. Shia worship them. people, save that which originated with the Imams. 6.1 Imam Ali (a.s) 6.2 Karbala. Shia Hintergründe. Ibrahim, has narrated the following statement whom he attributes, "Thereafter, (thanking Allah) Muhammad (s.a.) was the trustee of Allah for His God-like being, can't they see that this is Shirk (worshipping other than completely infallible, do not make even the slightest reference books are full of lies in the form of fabricated narrations falsely ", This last statement finds its