The circumstances surrounding his birth as well as the events recorded up and until he went to Egypt, all testify of His mission to come to earth and atone for our sins. But, they were also unique as they pastored the Temple flocks of lambs Shepherds being the first to hear of the Savior's birth is not just a story about shepherds and angels and a poor family with no place to put their newborn baby boy. And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Pictures 6-49, Isaiah Writes of Christ’s Birth (Gospel Art Picture Kit 113; 62339), and 6-50, The Birth of Jesus (Gospel Art Picture Kit 200; 62116). In his gospel, Luke records the visitation of the angels to shepherds immediately after the birth of Jesus Christ. People who were seeped in their culture, blinded by the imperfections of men, or too proud. By examining the text with this in mind, we see things thatContinue Reading 1:18.) John 10:11 God’s plan from the foundation of the world was for Jesus to give His life for us, just as the shepherds would have done for their sheep. "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost." What was the angel’s message to the shepherds? Demands of protocol Up to that point, one could argue that the conception and birth of Jesus Christ was the greatest event in history. Jesus left His home in Heaven to be with us in our Earthly environment. Let’s explore these names with the help of the notes. A clip from Catherine Hardwick's film "The Nativity Story"(2006). Jesus is indeed the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world through the shedding of His blood. By announcing Jesus’ birth to the shepherds, God was demonstrating His love for every one of us, no matter who we are. Experiencing the Birth of Christ With The Shepherds Luke 2:7-20 The telling of the Christmas story can be such a familiar and common experience that we miss the significance of it. Mary was specifically chosen, as she was the Immaculate Conception . But in a stable, the poorest people on earth may come to him, alongside dignitaries from a far country. How come God chose to have the shepherds be a part of the event of Jesus’ birth? (Matt. We are confronted by … This Shepherds Christmas Object Lesson will help children to understand that God is motivated by joy and desires to glorify Himself. They associate the birth of Jesus with a lie, and a free gift with their own goodness. Luke 2:8-11 tells us that at the time of the birth of Jesus the shepherds were watching their flocks in the fields at night. Did a Heavenly Choir Witness the Birth of Jesus? The chart “Prophets Foretold the Birth of Jesus Christ” (at the end of the lesson). The shepherds were the first to be notified of Jesus’ birth and are an important part of the nativity story. In brief: The birth of the infant Jesus in the village of Bethlehem was announced to the world by an angel’s voice to shepherds in nearby fields: ‘Today is born a Saviour. Retell the story of the birth of Jesus while the children act out the parts of Joseph, Mary, the innkeeper, the shepherds, and the wise men. Give The Shepherds have come to see the new born Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank You for sending a Savior for. One of the important benefits of Luke’s notation is that it suggests the general time of Jesus’ birth: the spring Brian Bacon April 18, 2010 at 4:28 am The shepherds doubtless passed to their reward the thirty years which Jesus spent in seclusion prior to his entering upon his ministry. The Bethlehem shepherds left their lambs being born in the fields to attend the birth of The Lamb of God who is also the Good and Great Shepherd. But Jesus Christ came for all people — rich and poor, male and female, uneducated and educated. The noted information relies heavily on the research of Cooper P. Abrams III in his article Where was the Birth Place of the Lord Jesus? When taken as gifts for a newborn king, the items that the Magi brought appear inappropriate, especially the frankincense and myrrh. While the shepherds merely rejoiced at the fact that they saw the Christ, God sees the ultimate end of Christ's This is a story about God's grace and Jesus' love for you and me! When the heavens were opened to the shepherds, they first saw an angel of the Lord–we would suppose Gabriel–saying: “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. angel Gabriel announces the birth of Jesus Christ to shepherds watching their sheep in the fields. But the rest of their commonplace life was … Jesus Christ was born to die. The angels heralded His birth to … Read from Luke 2:8-20 (King James Version). The Infant born that night grew to manhood and faithfully fulfilled the commission given to Him by His Father. These shepherds may have been men who were accustomed to preparing lambs which symbolically represented the Messiah in their cleanliness, perfection, and their sacrifice on the altar of the temple. The shepherds hurried off and found Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus, who was lying in the manger. So the shepherds stay with them to see that the newborn lambs are dried off and kept warm during that first cold night. What did they see? How did they react? Jesus and Emmanuel are two excellent names that are full of significance for us. Dear Lord, today I rejoice with the shepherds in the Good News of Jesus’ birth. But why shepherds? Let’s explore these names with the help of the notes. Given the importance of sheep and shepherds like Moses and David in the Old Testament, it should be no wonder that shepherds are an integral part of the account of Jesus’ birth and life. The “mas” in “Christmas” refers to the Roman Catholic mass, during which the priest claims to turn bread and wine into the actual human flesh and blood from Jesus' crucified body, which are then eaten and drunk by those gathered (see I am the bread of life ). He was the self-proclaimed “Good Shepherd” ( John 10:11 ) who, with the loving care of a shepherd, watched over all of His Father’s flock. Note 1 on Jesus in verse 21 tells us: Shepherds leave the comfort of their human homes, where they naturally belong, to be with the sheep, in the natural environment of the sheep. One of the most well-known parts of the Christmas story is the account of wise men bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Is saying “Merry Christmas” Christian? Significance of the Shepherds Christmas Ministering Message During the life of Christ, we read about many who failed to recognize Him for who He was. God had become a human being, was born in Bethlehem, and his name is Jesus’ birth was announced to Mary by the Angel Gabriel, who agreed to God’s plan and to carry the Son of God. If his birth had been glorious, the humble shepherds would not have come near. At the command of Gabriel, Mary left Nazareth to visit her cousin … The Shepherds Visit Jesus in Bethlehem - What does this story mean and how does it apply to my life? Key Statement by John the Baptist The father of John the Baptist was Zacharias, a priest who served in the Temple in Jerusalem. Angels announced Jesus Christ's birth to shepherds in Bethlehem on the first Christmas, the Bible says in Luke 2. We are so familiar with the Christmas story we’ve lost its shock factor. A Child Is Born A lesson for younger children with discussion ideas and a project. Let’s look at the story as written in the Bible to see what we can know about the shepherds. The profound significance of the birth of Jesus Christ Many of us are familiar with Charles Wesley’s famous hymn, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing…” Look closely at … The Questions for Bible study groups What were shepherds doing in the fields in the middle of the night? quote Use props such as a baby doll, a small blanket, and a shawl, if they are available. Simple props, such as scarves and a doll, for a Christmas nativity scene (see the attention activity). Help me to set aside those traditions that have become commonplace and explore the amazement of Jesus’ birth. As humans We see shepherd figurines in stores and front lawns, we sing about them, our children dress like them. These foreordained shepherds then bore witness to the world of His birth. Upon seeing his cousin, John the Baptist declares, “ Behold, the Lamb of God! In his best-selling book, “The Jesus I Never It brought clarity to why these shepherds received the visitation, and pointed out that there were witnesses of his birth who recognized Him in His ministry. There was no need for the angel to give the shepherds directions to the place of Jesus’ birth – they already knew exactly where to find him!