Posted on 19th November 2020 by markhorrocks I am using fluent-bit version 1.6.2 in docker with the following INPUT section: Requirements. Decoders., Fluentd sends logs to Values are accumulative, e.g: if 'debug' is set, it will include error, info and debug. /aws/containerinsights/Cluster_Name/application, Logs from /var/log/dmesg, To remove Kubernetes metadata from being appended to log events that are sent to To install Fluent Bit to send logs from containers to CloudWatch Logs. 4. possible. How to run images It contains the below files. kubernetes-podName_kubernetes-namespace_kubernetes-containerName_kubernetes-containerID, Under /aws/containerinsights/Cluster_Name/host, Fluent Bit optimized configuration sends logs to /aws/containerinsights/Cluster_Name/dataplane. file. you want to reduce the volume of data being sent to CloudWatch, you can stop one or You want send container logs from self-managed kubernetes cluster pods to AWS S3 bucket using Fluent Bit. We can combine all the yml files into one but I like it separated by the service group, more like kubernetes yml files. for Amazon EKS and Kubernetes clusters. If you don't see these log groups and are looking in the correct Region, Fluent Bit, lightweight log collector and forwarder. Important parts of the configuration are container_name, logging. read Fluent Bit is an open source and multi-platform log processor and forwarder that allows you to collect data and logs from different sources, and unify and send them to different destinations including CloudWatch Logs. If your own application logs use a different multiline starter, you can support This pushed the logs to elasticsearch successfully, but now I added fluentd in between, so fluent-bit will send the logs to fluentd, which will then push to elasticsearch. If the logs have errors related to IAM permissions, check the IAM role parse a docker container's logs which are JSON formatted (specified via Format field). enabled. When running micro-services as containers, monitoring becomes very complex and difficult. Fluentd, run this command. If it is recent relative to when you deployed Docker.container_id. If you are already using Fluentd to send logs from containers to CloudWatch Logs, We need to use the forward input plugin for Fluent Bit. (Optional) Set Up FluentD as a DaemonSet to Send these data sources from being sent to CloudWatch. Log_File: Absolute path for an optional log file. In Fluent Bit can read Kubernetes or Docker log files from the file system or through Systemd journal, enrich logs with Kubernetes metadata, deliver logs to third-party storage services like Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, HTTP, etc. amazon-cloudwatch namespace. The main key is LabelKeys, using this, we will be able to see the container logs, to make it dynamic, we are setting it so container_name, which means when we will be running our services, we need to pass container_name in docker-compose file, using that name, we will be able to search and differentiate container logs. As discussed earlier, we are going to have two containers in our POD. The kube-proxy and aws-node log Inputs include syslog, tcp, systemd/journald but also CPU, memory, and disk. log_stream_prefix: Prefix for the Log Stream name. After the change, our fluentbit logging didn't parse our JSON logs correctly. Clone the sample project from here. To view these metrics, ... Fluent Bit. We are going to use Fluent Bit to collect the Docker container logs and forward it to Loki and then visualize the logs on Grafana in tabular View. Fluent Bit is also extensible, but has a smaller eco-system compared to Fluentd. Most metadata such as pod_name and namespace_name For that, we can setup EFK (Elasticsearch + Fluentd + Kibana) stack, so Fluentd will collect logs from a docker container and forward it to Elasticsearch and then we can search logs using Kibana. Fluent Bit as Docker Driver For Fluent Bit to receive every log produced by a container to process and forward, we need to setup Fluent Bit as Docker Logging Driver. — A configuration aligned with Fluent Bit best practices. configuration in detail. Our monitoring stack is EFK (Elasticsearch Fluent-Bit Kibana). The following is an example. The above steps create the following resources in the cluster: A service account named Fluent-Bit in the Insights on Amazon EKS and Kubernetes or