Innocent people happen to be convicted and yes it is sad but it a price that must be paid for the safety of the law. VI/ Free play. Zuhuma- To many, capital punishment symbolizes justice and is the only way to adequately express society’s revulsion of the murder of innocent lives. I think it is a crime in its self and it’s the government playing God. There have been countless cases where convicts sentenced to life in prison have murdered other inmates and/or prison guards. I personally do not believe in the death penalty. 1. Students in U.S. high schools can get free digital access to The New York Times until Sept. 1, 2021.. Nevertheless, there are arguments in favor of capital punishment. Applying the death penalty to someone who could be innocent is just cruel, another reason why I don’t agree with the death penalty. I think corporal punishment should be done in schools. Or do you think we can always find a way to avoid suffering? Where do you stand on this controversial issue? Capital punishment - Capital punishment - Arguments for and against capital punishment: Capital punishment has long engendered considerable debate about both its morality and its effect on criminal behaviour. When answering a survey about the justification of capital punishment in 2010, sixty-five percent of Americans responded in favour of the death penalty. Only 5% of the detainees, about 8 people, actually have charges against them on file. Two crimes in the document result in physical punishment. While interpretations of the amendments pertaining to the death penalty have changed over the years, the Founding Fathers intended to allow for the death penalty from the very beginning and put in place a legal system to ensure due process. Contemporary arguments for and against capital punishment fall under three general headings: moral, utilitarian, and practical. While the cost of the actual execution may be minimal, the overall costs surrounding a capital case (where the death penalty is a potential punishment) are enormously high. If there are justifications for the death penalty, they should be so cut, clear, and concise that it can never be confused with anything else, therefore never having the mistake of an innocent person given the death penalty. Therefore, many proponents of capital punishment could argue that the death penalty does have an obvious deterrent effect in society. It seems natural to think that the harsher the punishment, the more it will deter crime. Finally, some see the death penalty as an affront to human dignity and a violation of the offender’s right to live. Support The Perspective. 1.It’s really tough to easily answer this question. The death penalty is the only appropriate punishment for this monster and his heinous crimes. What do you think about the death penalty? Even if the criminal is a murderer, I think we are stooping to his/her level with death penalty. If a innocent person gets death penalty, it would be very cruel to kill him, but these kind of problems are really rare. Two wrongs, do not make a right. He did not commit a murder or indulge in any other major crime. Nonetheless, it can be said that sometimes capital punishment stands justified and it should be presented in a manner that it seems justifiable for not just the perpetrator but also to the society. Corporal punishment regarding the teaching of discipline is the front line issue these days. I think the death penalty differs from self-defense killings or war related killings because of the goal. In the end, they would still remain in prison and it may be worth the risk to see if that person has something great to contribute to society. Convicts have also been known to successfully arrange murders from within prison, the most famous case being mobster Whitey Bulger, who apparently was killed by fellow inmates while incarcerated. And this is before factoring in appeals, which are more time-consuming and therefore cost more than life-sentence appeals, as well as higher prison costs for death-row inmates. is the death penalty justified or should it be abolished? I do believe the death penalty is wrong. I personally believe no one deserves to be killed. I believe that we are completely justified in punishing people like Hitler with the death penalty because they really deserve it. Is it morally right or wrong? Did he deserve the punishment he received from Mr. Owens? The world’s religious communities are divided on the death penalty. Regardless of whether you think drug trafficking is as harmful as murder (it certainly is not as directly harmful) Singapore has much less drug trafficking than countries which do not punish this offence with death. Answered by jill d #170087 on 12/10/2018 11:46 PM No, it. The immediate aims of punishment can usefully be separated into things of intrinsic value and things of instrumental value. Retributivists think that punishment is to be justified in virtue of … Your email address will not be published. “Pope Says Christians Should Apologize to Gay People” (Katherine Martinez, April 13-19), Theology in “Jane in the Virgin” (Lauryn Martinez, April 20th-April 26th), The Story of Exodus in the Prince of Egypt (Shane Limbaugh, April 27- May 3), “Death Penalty: Is Capital Punishment Morally Justified?” (Diana Espinoza, April 20-26th)), My Sister’s Keeper (Naiya Dolce, April 13-19), Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen? The death penalty should not be exemplified as a means of revenge or a lesson for others because it is not a way to attain “justice”. You can also look at in the way that the death penalty is too nice for criminals, their life is over quick and easy, they don’t spend their lives suffering and living with what they did. Explain. I don’t think any crime should lead to the death penalty; just being away from the people they (the prisoners) love and being neglected from society is hurtful itself and a good punishment. ultimately, it should not be up to the state as to who’s life they take away, it should be up to God. (Liyah Aranjuez, April 6th-April 12th), “Evan Almighty” God’s Calling (Ryan Albert, March 23 – March 29th), “This is The End” The end of the world (DeAndre’ Robertson, March 29th-April 5th Discussion), Which paves the way to our future? However, the opposite seems to be true. Death penalty is very wrong. Prevents convicted killers from killing again. Much the same seems to be true of burglars (Bennett and Indeed, if the punishment should fit the crime, then the death penalty is what fits these heinous crimes made by Hitler. Chapter 11-17. Premeditated mass shootings and terrorism should lead to the Death Penalty. For most people, life is sacred and innocent lives should be valued over the lives of killers. In July, the United States carried out its first federal execution in 17 years. I think there should be death penalty, it’s morally wrong, but the people who make the crime they aren’t doing morally right things, if they have thought about others they wouldn’t make the crime. Even in cases where a guilty plea cancels out the need for a trial, seeking the death penalty costs almost twice as much as cases that don’t. The Constitution’s 8th and 14th Amendments recognize the death penalty BUT under due process of the law.