Mr. Adam Homes. There should be use of formal welcome. This is the reason why encouragement from the superiors and other senior personnel can go a long way in motivating the employees but also to help them in increasing their self-esteem. The company values the hard work of exemplary employees like you. Any employee who displays incredible performance that’s worth been emulated by 6thier colleagues deserves recognition. Ltd. Appreciation letter to employee for outstanding performance. A person who seeks to use this template should add-in specific details to this letter. Sample Employee Appreciation Letter. This form of encouragement can usually be delivered via a letter, i.e., an Appreciation Letter. Apart from our appreciation, I wish you the best for your endeavors in the future. If an employer expresses a token of thanks to his employee then definitely start thinking more about his company and work because he feels motivated, encouraged and inspired. Thank you for your hard work! An Appreciation Letter to Employee by his boss acts as a morale booster for the employee and helps him to put in more zeal and passion in the way he/she does his work. Home » 1000 Sample Letter » Appreciation Letter » Appreciation Letter to Employee » Human Resources Letter » Letter of appreciation to employee for outstanding performance October 12, 2009 Mark Davies how his or her effort has contributed to the recent success of the company. As a token of our appreciation, The Company has offered you a performance bonus of _________ (amount). Thank you. Sample Employee Appreciation Letter. Employee appreciation letter templates. Writing an appreciation letter will not take much of your time, but it will bring a smile to the face of the reader and wondering how to write an appreciation letter for an employee who did an excellent job? By sending this letter you can extend appreciation towards the outstanding performance in this quarter of your staff. Dear Mr. Davies, We at the administration office wish to express our heartfelt appreciation of your invaluable contributions to the company. A good letter, primarily when the senior employers write it, motivates the employees to work more and more for the yearly award or more appreciations like these. That is so nice. A performance recognition letter can mean a lot to employees and can help them feel noticed and appreciated for the hard work they put in. Appreciation Letter to Employee for Good Performance (sample) Every employee needs motivation to perform better in his job. Appreciation Letter for Employee in Maintenance Department Dear Mr. Louis Bane I am … Your efforts in achieving the results were very much appreciated. Don’t worry, we have thousands of documents for you to choose from: A letter of appreciation can be used by a supervisor to show appreciation and recognize the achievements of an employee. Sample appreciation letter to employee for hard work. You are now eligible for a performance bonus, and it’s the company’s responsibility to appreciate your hard work, sincerity, and dedication.Â. Appreciation Letter for Service – Format, Sample & Example. A good employer understands the importance of people who are working for him. Dear Jeremy, Congratulations on reaching your sales performance goal. I hope that you will maintain the same spirit in the future also. Houghton Street. The Number 1 Letter Writing Website in the world, Last Updated On January 13, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment. As an employer, it’s your responsibility to keep the morale of the employee high and keep them motivated for the work. The level of formality will depend on the circumstances, company culture and your relationship with the employee. It was only possible because of the sheer hard work and dedication that you have committed. Thank you letter to employees for hard work. Sample letter. 20+ Letter Templates; 34+ Letter Templates in PDF; Some people give up and some people don’t so easy. I appreciate the professionalism by which you have handled the project. Then, refer the following samples of appreciation letter to employees for hard work or outstanding performance. The way you have expressed your professionalism in the project is truly commendable. For additional resources, visit our Employee Appreciation Letters … It can also be used by employees to express their gratitude towards their supervisors. Appreciate their hard work and dedication. Mention the profit ratio of the organization and the increase by a figure. So, make sure to … There are many ways to motivate the employees viz. Writing Appreciation Letters for Employee (Outstanding Performance): Notice the Date, Name and address: – on the left-half of the letter, there should be a date of composing then the name and address of the individual who is being acknowledged in the letter. The quarter was very profitable for the company and I firmly believe it was because of loyal employees like you. Hence, having a confident workforce that can handle stress well is pivotal to the success of any enterprise. Use our sample to shape your own letter! DocPro Legal is a team of legal professionals with a passion for making quality documents and legal contract templates widely available to the public through cutting edge technology.